Shockwave Flash Functions
PHP offers the ability to create Shockwave Flash files via Paul Haeberli's libswf module.
Notă: SWF support was added in PHP 4 RC2.
The libswf does not have support for Windows. The development of that library has been stopped, and the source is not available to port it to another systems.
For up to date SWF support take a look at the MING functions.
Notă: Această extensie a fost transferată în repozitoriul » PECL şi nu mai este furnizată împreună cu PHP începând cu versiunea 5.0.0.
You need the libswf library to compile PHP with support for this extension. You can download libswf at »
Once you have libswf all you need to do is to configure --with-swf[=DIR] where DIR is a location containing the directories include and lib. The include directory has to contain the swf.h file and the lib directory has to contain the libswf.a file. If you unpack the libswf distribution the two files will be in one directory. Consequently you will have to copy the files to the proper location manually.
Configuraţia la rulare
Această extensie nu are directive de configurare definite în php.ini.
Tipurile resurselor
Această extensie nu are tipuri de resurse definite.
Constante predefinite
Constantele de mai jos sunt definite de această extensie şi vor fi disponibile doar dacă această extensie a fost compilată în interiorul PHP, sau a fost încărcată dinamic în timpul rulării.
- MOD_COLOR (integer)
- MOD_MATRIX (integer)
- BSHitTest (float)
- BSDown (float)
- BSOver (float)
- BSUp (float)
- OverDowntoIdle (integer)
- IdletoOverDown (integer)
- OutDowntoIdle (integer)
- OutDowntoOverDown (integer)
- OverDowntoOutDown (integer)
- OverUptoOverDown (integer)
- OverUptoIdle (integer)
- IdletoOverUp (integer)
- ButtonEnter (integer)
- ButtonExit (integer)
- MenuEnter (integer)
- MenuExit (integer)
Once you've successfully installed PHP with Shockwave Flash support you can then go about creating Shockwave files from PHP. You would be surprised at what you can do, take the following code:
Example#1 SWF example
swf_openfile("test.swf", 256, 256, 30, 1, 1, 1);
swf_ortho2(-100, 100, -100, 100);
swf_defineline(1, -70, 0, 70, 0, .2);
swf_definerect(4, 60, -10, 70, 0, 0);
swf_definerect(5, -60, 0, -70, 10, 0);
swf_addcolor(0, 0, 0, 0);
swf_definefont(10, "Mod");
swf_definetext(11, "This be Flash wit PHP!", 1);
swf_translate(-50, 80, 0);
swf_placeobject(11, 60);
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
$p = $i/(30-1);
swf_scale(1-($p*.9), 1, 1);
swf_rotate(60*$p, 'z');
swf_translate(20+20*$p, $p/1.5, 0);
swf_rotate(270*$p, 'z');
swf_addcolor($p, 0, $p/1.2, -$p);
swf_placeobject(1, 50);
swf_placeobject(4, 50);
swf_placeobject(5, 50);
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
if (($i%4) == 0) {
- swf_actiongeturl — Get a URL from a Shockwave Flash movie
- swf_actiongotoframe — Play a frame and then stop
- swf_actiongotolabel — Display a frame with the specified label
- swf_actionnextframe — Go forward one frame
- swf_actionplay — Start playing the flash movie from the current frame
- swf_actionprevframe — Go backwards one frame
- swf_actionsettarget — Set the context for actions
- swf_actionstop — Stop playing the flash movie at the current frame
- swf_actiontogglequality — Toggle between low and high quality
- swf_actionwaitforframe — Skip actions if a frame has not been loaded
- swf_addbuttonrecord — Controls location, appearance and active area of the current button
- swf_addcolor — Set the global add color to the rgba value specified
- swf_closefile — Close the current Shockwave Flash file
- swf_definebitmap — Define a bitmap
- swf_definefont — Defines a font
- swf_defineline — Define a line
- swf_definepoly — Define a polygon
- swf_definerect — Define a rectangle
- swf_definetext — Define a text string
- swf_endbutton — End the definition of the current button
- swf_enddoaction — End the current action
- swf_endshape — Completes the definition of the current shape
- swf_endsymbol — End the definition of a symbol
- swf_fontsize — Change the font size
- swf_fontslant — Set the font slant
- swf_fonttracking — Set the current font tracking
- swf_getbitmapinfo — Get information about a bitmap
- swf_getfontinfo — Gets font information
- swf_getframe — Get the frame number of the current frame
- swf_labelframe — Label the current frame