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void move_after(GtkTreeIter iter, GtkTreeIter position);

Moves the row given by iter directly after position.

That method works only with unsorted stores and requires both iters to be at the same level. If position is null, the row will be moved to the start of the level.

Example 134. Moving rows

//Create the store
$store = new GtkTreeStore(Gtk::TYPE_STRING);

//Create first row
$row1 = $store->append(null, array('row 1'));
//Create second row
$row2 = $store->append(null, array('row 2'));

//move $row1 after $row2
$store->move_after($row1, $row2);

//Display the store
$wnd  = new GtkWindow();
$view = new GtkTreeView($store);
    new GtkTreeViewColumn('String column', new GtkCellRendererText(), 'text', 0)
$wnd->connect_simple('destroy', array('gtk', 'main_quit'));

See also: move_before()