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(PHP 5)

iconv_strpos — Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack


int iconv_strpos ( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset [, string $charset ]] )

Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack.

In contrast to strpos(), the return value of iconv_strpos() is the number of characters that appear before the needle, rather than the offset in bytes to the position where the needle has been found. The characters are counted on the basis of the specified character set charset .



The entire string.


The searched substring.


The optional offset parameter specifies the position from which the search should be performed.


If charset parameter is omitted, string are assumed to be encoded in iconv.internal_encoding.

If haystack or needle is not a string, it is converted to a string and applied as the ordinal value of a character.

Return Values

Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in haystack .

If needle is not found, iconv_strpos() will return FALSE.


這個函數可能回傳布林值 FALSE,但也可能回傳一個同於 FALSE 的非布林值,像是0或 ""請參考Booleans此節有更多資訊。使用 === 運算子來測試這個函數的回傳值。