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BBCode Functions


This extension aims to help parse BBCode text in order to convert it to HTML or another markup language. It uses one pass parsing and provides great speed improvement over the common approach based on regular expressions. Further more, it helps provide valid HTML by reordering open / close tags and by automatically closing unclosed tags.

Since 0.10.1 It supports argument quoting with single quotes, double quotes and HTML escaped double quotes.


安裝此 PECL 擴充功能的訊息可在手冊中標題為 PECL 擴充功能安裝的一章中找到。 更多訊息如新版本,下載,原始文件,維護者訊息以及更新日誌等可以在這裡找到: »

An alternative solution, written in PHP, is the PEAR package » HTML_BBCodeParser.


本擴充功能在 php.ini 中未定義任何設定選項。


One resource is used in the BBCode extension: a BBCode_Container returned by bbcode_create().


以下常數由擴充功能定義,因此只有在擴充功能被編譯到 PHP 中,或者在執行時被動態載入後才有效。

This BBCode tag does not accept any arguments.
This BBCode tag does not have a corresponding close tag.
This BBCode tag need an argument.
This BBCode tag accept an optional argument.
This BBCode tag is the special tag root (nesting level 0).
This BBCode tag require argument sub-parsing (the argument is also parsed by the BBCode extension). As Of 0.10.2 another parser can be used as argument parser.
This BBCode Tag does not accept content (it voids it automatically).
BBCODE_FLAGS_SMILEYS_ON (integer) - since 0.10.2
This BBCode Tag accepts smileys.
BBCODE_FLAGS_SMILEYS_OFF (integer) - since 0.10.2
This BBCode Tag does not accept smileys.
BBCODE_FLAGS_ONE_OPEN_PER_LEVEL (integer) - since 0.10.2
This BBCode Tag automatically closes if another tag of the same type is found at the same nesting level.
BBCODE_FLAGS_REMOVE_IF_EMPTY (integer) - since 0.10.2
This BBCode Tag is automatically removed if content is empty it allows to produce ligther HTML.
BBCODE_FLAGS_DENY_REOPEN_CHILD (integer) - since 0.10.3
This BBCode Tag does not allow unclosed childs to reopen when automatically closed.
BBCODE_ARG_DOUBLE_QUOTE (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option allowing argument quoting with double quotes (")
BBCODE_ARG_SINGLE_QUOTE (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option allowing argument quoting with single quotes (')
BBCODE_ARG_HTML_QUOTE (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option allowing argument quoting with HTML version of double quotes (")
BBCODE_AUTO_CORRECT (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option changing the way errors are treated. It automatically closes tag in the order they are opened. And treat tags with only an open tag as if there were a close tag present.
BBCODE_CORRECT_REOPEN_TAGS (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option changing the way errors are treated. It automatically reopens tag if close tags are not in the good order.
BBCODE_DISABLE_TREE_BUILD (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option disabling the BBCode parsing it can be useful if only the "smiley" replacement must be used.
BBCODE_DEFAULT_SMILEYS_ON (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option setting smileys to ON if no flag is given at tag level.
BBCODE_DEFAULT_SMILEYS_OFF (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option setting smileys to OFF if no flag is given at tag level.
BBCODE_FORCE_SMILEYS_OFF (integer) - since 0.10.2
This is a parser option disabling completely the smileys parsing.
BBCODE_SMILEYS_CASE_INSENSITIVE (integer) - since 0.10.3
Use a case insensitive Detection for smileys instead of a simple binary search.
BBCODE_SET_FLAGS_SET (integer) - since 0.10.2
This permits to SET the complete flag set on a parser.
BBCODE_SET_FLAGS_ADD (integer) - since 0.10.2
This permits to switch a flag set ON on a parser.
BBCODE_SET_FLAGS_REMOVE (integer) - since 0.10.2
This permits to switch a flag set OFF on a parser.

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