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(PHP 5)

SWFTextField->__construct() — Creates a text field object


SWFTextField __construct ([ int $flags ] )

Deze functie is EXPERIMENTEEL. Dat betekent, dat het gedrag van deze functie, deze functienaam, in concreto ALLES dat hier gedocumenteerd is in een toekomstige uitgave van PHP ZONDER WAARSCHUWING kan veranderen. Wees gewaarschuwd, en gebruik deze functie op eigen risico.

swftextfield() creates a new text field object. Text Fields are less flexible than swftext() objects- they can't be rotated, scaled non-proportionally, or skewed, but they can be used as form entries, and they can use browser-defined fonts.

The optional flags change the text field's behavior. It has the following possibles values :

  • SWFTEXTFIELD_DRAWBOX draws the outline of the textfield
  • SWFTEXTFIELD_HTML allows text markup using HTML-tags
  • SWFTEXTFIELD_MULTILINE allows multiple lines
  • SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT indicates that the field shouldn't be user-editable
  • SWFTEXTFIELD_NOSELECT makes the field non-selectable
  • SWFTEXTFIELD_PASSWORD obscures the data entry
  • SWFTEXTFIELD_WORDWRAP allows text to wrap
Flags are combined with the bitwise OR operation. For example,
creates a totally useless non-editable password field.

SWFTextField has the following methods : swftextfield->setfont(), swftextfield->setbounds(), swftextfield->align(), swftextfield->setheight(), swftextfield->setleftmargin(), swftextfield->setrightmargin(), swftextfield->setmargins(), swftextfield->setindentation(), swftextfield->setlinespacing(), swftextfield->setcolor(), swftextfield->setname() and swftextfield->addstring().