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Compiling for MacOS X Client

The following instructions will help you install a PHP module for the Apache web server included in MacOS X. This version includes support for the MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. These instructions are graciously provided by » Marc Liyanage.


Be careful when you do this, you could screw up your Apache web server!

Do this to install:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Type wget , wait for the download to finish.
  3. Type gunzip .
  4. Type sudo apxs -i -a -n php4
  5. Now type sudo open -a TextEdit /etc/httpd/httpd.conf . TextEdit will open with the web server configuration file. Locate these two lines towards the end of the file: (Use the Find command)

    #AddType application/x-httpd-php .php 
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
    Remove the two hash marks (#), then save the file and quit TextEdit.

  6. Finally, type sudo apachectl graceful to restart the web server.

PHP should now be up and running. You can test it by dropping a file into your Sites folder which is called test.php. Into that file, write this line: <?php phpinfo() ?>.

Now open up in your web browser. You should see a status table with information about the PHP module.