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(PECL apc:2.0-3.0.9)

apc_cache_info — Retrieves cached information (and meta-data) from APC's data store


array apc_cache_info ([ string $cache_type [, bool $limited ]] )

Valori restituiti

Array of cached data (and meta-data), or FALSE on failure

Nota: apc_cache_info() will raise a warning if it is unable to retrieve APC cache data. This typically occurs when APC is not enabled.

Elenco dei parametri


If cache_type is "user", information about the user cache will be returned; otherwise, information about the system cache (cached files) will be returned.


If limited is TRUE, the return value will exclude the individual list of cache entries. This is usefull when trying to optimize calls for statistics gathering.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
3.0.11 The limited parameter was introduced.


Example#1 A apc_cache_info() example


Il precedente esempio visualizzerà qualcosa simile a:

    [num_slots] => 2000
    [ttl] => 0
    [num_hits] => 9
    [num_misses] => 3
    [start_time] => 1123958803
    [cache_list] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [filename] => /path/to/apc_test.php
                    [device] => 29954
                    [inode] => 1130511
                    [type] => file
                    [num_hits] => 1
                    [mtime] => 1123960686
                    [creation_time] => 1123960696
                    [deletion_time] => 0
                    [access_time] => 1123962864
                    [ref_count] => 1
                    [mem_size] => 677
            [1] => Array (...iterates for each cached file)