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Direct IO Functions


PHP supports the direct io functions as described in the Posix Standard (Section 6) for performing I/O functions at a lower level than the C-Language stream I/O functions (fopen(), fread(),..). The use of the DIO functions should be considered only when direct control of a device is needed. In all other cases, the standard filesystem functions are more than adequate.

Note: This extension has been moved to the » PECL repository and is no longer bundled with PHP as of PHP 5.1.0.

This extension is only available on Windows Platforms as of PHP 5.0.0

요구 조건

이 확장을 빌드할 때 외부 라이브러리가 필요하지 않습니다.


To get these functions to work, you have to configure PHP with --enable-dio.

예약 상수

이 확장은 다음의 상수들을 정의합니다. 이 확장을 PHP에 내장했거나, 실행시에 동적으로 읽어들일 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.

c (integer)

F_DUPFD (integer)

F_GETFD (integer)

F_GETFL (integer)

F_GETLK (integer)

F_GETOWN (integer)

F_RDLCK (integer)

F_SETFL (integer)

F_SETLK (integer)

F_SETLKW (integer)

F_SETOWN (integer)

F_UNLCK (integer)

F_WRLCK (integer)

O_APPEND (integer)

O_ASYNC (integer)

O_CREAT (integer)

O_EXCL (integer)

O_NDELAY (integer)

O_NOCTTY (integer)

O_NONBLOCK (integer)

O_RDONLY (integer)

O_RDWR (integer)

O_SYNC (integer)

O_TRUNC (integer)

O_WRONLY (integer)

S_IRGRP (integer)

S_IROTH (integer)

S_IRUSR (integer)

S_IRWXG (integer)

S_IRWXO (integer)

S_IRWXU (integer)

S_IWGRP (integer)

S_IWOTH (integer)

S_IWUSR (integer)

S_IXGRP (integer)

S_IXOTH (integer)

S_IXUSR (integer)

실행시 설정

이 확장은 php.ini 설정이 존재하지 않습니다.


One resource type is defined by this extension: a file descriptor returned by dio_open().

Table of Contents

  • dio_close — Closes the file descriptor given by fd
  • dio_fcntl — Performs a c library fcntl on fd
  • dio_open — Opens a new filename with specified permissions of flags and creation permissions of mode
  • dio_read — Reads bytes from a file descriptor
  • dio_seek — Seeks to pos on fd from whence
  • dio_stat — Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd
  • dio_tcsetattr — Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port
  • dio_truncate — Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes
  • dio_write — Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length