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(PHP 4, PHP 5)

ftruncate — Truncates a file to a given length


bool ftruncate ( resource $handle , int $size )

Takes the filepointer, handle , and truncates the file to length, size .



The file pointer.

Notă: The handle must be open for writing.


The size to truncate to.

Notă: If size is larger than the file it is extended with null bytes.
If size is smaller than the file the extra data will be lost.

Valorile întroarse

Întoarce valoarea TRUE în cazul succesului sau FALSE în cazul eşecului.

Istoria schimbărilor

Versiunea Descriere
PHP 4.3.3 Prior to this release ftruncate() returned an integer value of 1 on success, instead of boolean TRUE.


Notă: The file pointer is not changed.

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