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(PECL svn:0.1-0.2)

svn_checkout — Checks out a working copy from the repository


bool svn_checkout ( string $repos , string $targetpath [, int $revision ] )

Checks out a working copy from the repository at repos to targetpath at revision revision .



String URL path to directory in repository to check out.


String local path to directory to check out in to

Note: Relative paths will be resolved as if the current working directory was the one that contains the PHP binary. To use the calling script's working directory, use realpath() or dirname(__FILE__).


Integer revision number of repository to check out. Default is HEAD, the most recent revision.

Vrátené hodnoty

Vracia TRUE pri úspechu alebe FALSE pri chybe.



Táto funkcia je EXPERIMENTÁLNA. Správanie tejto funkcie, názov tejto funkcie a hocičo iné zdokumentované o tejto funkcii sa môže zmeniť bez povšimnutia v budúcom vydaní PHP. Používajte túto funkcii na svoje vlastné riziko.


Example#1 Basic example

This example demonstrates how to check out a directory from a repository to a directory named calc:

(''dirname(__FILE__) . '/calc');

The dirname(__FILE__) call is necessary in order to convert the calc relative path into an absolute one. If calc exists, you can also use realpath() to retrieve an absolute path.