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Tokenizer Functions


The tokenizer functions provide an interface to the PHP tokenizer embedded in the Zend Engine. Using these functions you may write your own PHP source analyzing or modification tools without having to deal with the language specification at the lexical level.

See also the appendix about tokens.


Inga externa bibliotek behövs för att bygga det tillägg.


Beginning with PHP 4.3.0 these functions are enabled by default. For older versions you have to configure and compile PHP with --enable-tokenizer. You can disable tokenizer support with --disable-tokenizer.

Windows-versionen av PHP har inbyggt stöd för det här tillägget. Du behöver inte ladda några ytterligare tillägg för att använda dessa funktioner.

Note: Built-in support for tokenizer is available as of PHP 4.3.0.

Fördefinerade konstanter

When the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime, the tokens listed in List of Parser Tokens are defined as constants.


Here is a simple example PHP scripts using the tokenizer that will read in a PHP file, strip all comments from the source and print the pure code only.

Example#1 Strip comments with the tokenizer

 * T_ML_COMMENT does not exist in PHP 5.
 * The following three lines define it in order to
 * preserve backwards compatibility.
 * The next two lines define the PHP 5 only T_DOC_COMMENT,
 * which we will mask as T_ML_COMMENT for PHP 4.
if (!defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) {
} else {

$source file_get_contents('example.php');
$tokens token_get_all($source);

foreach (
$tokens as $token) {
    if (
is_string($token)) {
// simple 1-character token
echo $token;
    } else {
// token array
list($id$text) = $token;
        switch (
$id) { 
T_ML_COMMENT// we've defined this
case T_DOC_COMMENT// and this
                // no action on comments

// anything else -> output "as is"
echo $text;

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