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void foreach(function callback_func);

Calls the given callback function for each single row in the store.

The callback function can have the following parameters: (GtkTreeModel model, GtkTreePath path, GtkTreeIter iter).

例 120. Looping through all rows with foreach

$store = new GtkListStore(Gtk::TYPE_STRING, Gtk::TYPE_LONG);

$store->append(array('Tokio', 34100000));
$store->append(array('Mexico city', 22650000));
$store->append(array('New York', 21850000));
$store->append(array('São Paulo', 20200000));

* And now show what we've got in the store
function echoRow($store, $path, $iter)
    $city   = $store->get_value($iter, 0);
    $number = $store->get_value($iter, 1);
    echo $city . ' has ' . $number . " inhabitants.\r\n";