Forum und email


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PECL crack:0.1-0.4)

crack_getlastmessage — Returns the message from the last obscure check


string crack_getlastmessage ( void )

crack_getlastmessage() returns the message from the last obscure check.


Denne funktion er EKSPERIMENTABEL. Virkemåden af denne funktion, navnet på funktionen, og andet ellers dokumenteret om denne funktion, ændres muligvis uden advarsel i en fremtidig version af PHP. Brug af denne funktion er på ejet ansvar.


The message from the last obscure check or FALSE if there was no obscure checks made so far.

The returned message is one of:

  • it's WAY too short
  • it is too short
  • it does not contain enough DIFFERENT characters
  • it is all whitespace
  • it is too simplistic/systematic
  • it looks like a National Insurance number.
  • it is based on a dictionary word
  • it is based on a (reversed) dictionary word
  • strong password

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