Statistics Functions
This is the statistics extension. It contains few dozens of functions useful for statistical computations. It is a wrapper around 2 scientific libraries, namely DCDFLIB (Library of C routines for Cumulative Distributions Functions, Inverses, and Other parameters) by B. Brown & J. Lavato and RANDLIB by Barry Brown, James Lavato & Kathy Russell. Includes CD and PD functions.
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No external libraries are needed. The extension comes bundled with the libraries used.
Table of Contents
- stats_absolute_deviation — Returns the absolute deviation of an array of values
- stats_cdf_beta — CDF function for BETA Distribution. Calculates any one parameter of the beta distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_binomial — Calculates any one parameter of the binomial distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_cauchy — Not documented
- stats_cdf_chisquare — Calculates any one parameter of the chi-square distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_exponential — Not documented
- stats_cdf_f — Calculates any one parameter of the F distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_gamma — Calculates any one parameter of the gamma distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_laplace — Not documented
- stats_cdf_logistic — Not documented
- stats_cdf_negative_binomial — Calculates any one parameter of the negative binomial distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_noncentral_chisquare — Calculates any one parameter of the non-central chi-square distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_noncentral_f — Calculates any one parameter of the Non-central F distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_poisson — Calculates any one parameter of the Poisson distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_t — Calculates any one parameter of the T distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_uniform — Not documented
- stats_cdf_weibull — Not documented
- stats_covariance — Computes the covariance of two data sets
- stats_den_uniform — Not documented
- stats_dens_beta — Not documented
- stats_dens_cauchy — Not documented
- stats_dens_chisquare — Not documented
- stats_dens_exponential — Not documented
- stats_dens_f — Beskrivelse
- stats_dens_gamma — Not documented
- stats_dens_laplace — Not documented
- stats_dens_logistic — Not documented
- stats_dens_negative_binomial — Not documented
- stats_dens_normal — Not documented
- stats_dens_pmf_binomial — Not documented
- stats_dens_pmf_hypergeometric — Beskrivelse
- stats_dens_pmf_poisson — Not documented
- stats_dens_t — Not documented
- stats_dens_weibull — Not documented
- stats_harmonic_mean — Returns the harmonic mean of an array of values
- stats_kurtosis — Computes the kurtosis of the data in the array
- stats_rand_gen_beta — Generates beta random deviate
- stats_rand_gen_chisquare — Generates random deviate from the distribution of a chisquare with "df" degrees of freedom random variable.
- stats_rand_gen_exponential — Generates a single random deviate from an exponential distribution with mean "av"
- stats_rand_gen_f — Generates a random deviate
- stats_rand_gen_funiform — Generates uniform float between low (exclusive) and high (exclusive)
- stats_rand_gen_gamma — Generates random deviates from a gamma distribution
- stats_rand_gen_ibinomial_negative — Generates a single random deviate from a negative binomial distribution. Arguments : n - the number of trials in the negative binomial distribution from which a random deviate is to be generated (n > 0), p - the probability of an event (0 < p < 1)).
- stats_rand_gen_ibinomial — Generates a single random deviate from a binomial distribution whose number of trials is "n" (n >= 0) and whose probability of an event in each trial is "pp" ([0;1]). Method : algorithm BTPE
- stats_rand_gen_int — Generates random integer between 1 and 2147483562
- stats_rand_gen_ipoisson — Generates a single random deviate from a Poisson distribution with mean "mu" (mu >= 0.0).
- stats_rand_gen_iuniform — Generates integer uniformly distributed between LOW (inclusive) and HIGH (inclusive)
- stats_rand_gen_noncenral_chisquare — Generates random deviate from the distribution of a noncentral chisquare with "df" degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter "xnonc". d must be >= 1.0, xnonc must >= 0.0
- stats_rand_gen_noncentral_f — Generates a random deviate from the noncentral F (variance ratio) distribution with "dfn" degrees of freedom in the numerator, and "dfd" degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter "xnonc". Method : directly generates ratio of noncentral numerator chisquare variate to central denominator chisquare variate.
- stats_rand_gen_noncentral_t — Generates a single random deviate from a noncentral T distribution
- stats_rand_gen_normal — Generates a single random deviate from a normal distribution with mean, av, and standard deviation, sd (sd >= 0). Method : Renames SNORM from TOMS as slightly modified by BWB to use RANF instead of SUNIF.
- stats_rand_gen_t — Generates a single random deviate from a T distribution
- stats_rand_get_seeds — Not documented
- stats_rand_phrase_to_seeds — generate two seeds for the RGN random number generator
- stats_rand_ranf — Returns a random floating point number from a uniform distribution over 0 - 1 (endpoints of this interval are not returned) using the current generator
- stats_rand_setall — Not documented
- stats_skew — Computes the skewness of the data in the array
- stats_standard_deviation — Returns the standard deviation
- stats_stat_binomial_coef — Not documented
- stats_stat_correlation — Not documented
- stats_stat_gennch — Not documented
- stats_stat_independent_t — Not documented
- stats_stat_innerproduct — Beskrivelse
- stats_stat_noncentral_t — Calculates any one parameter of the noncentral t distribution give values for the others.
- stats_stat_paired_t — Not documented
- stats_stat_percentile — Not documented
- stats_stat_powersum — Not documented
- stats_variance — Returns the population variance