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ODBC Functions (Unified)


In addition to normal ODBC support, the Unified ODBC functions in PHP allow you to access several databases that have borrowed the semantics of the ODBC API to implement their own API. Instead of maintaining multiple database drivers that were all nearly identical, these drivers have been unified into a single set of ODBC functions.

The following databases are supported by the Unified ODBC functions: » Adabas D, » IBM DB2, » iODBC, » Solid, and » Sybase SQL Anywhere.

Note: With the exception of iODBC, there is no ODBC involved when connecting to the above databases. The functions that you use to speak natively to them just happen to share the same names and syntax as the ODBC functions. However, building PHP with iODBC support enables you to use any ODBC-compliant drivers with your PHP applications. More information on iODBC, is available at » with the alternative unixODBC available at »


To access any of the supported databases you need to have the required libraries installed.



Include Adabas D support. DIR is the Adabas base install directory, defaults to /usr/local.


Include SAP DB support. DIR is SAP DB base install directory, defaults to /usr/local.


Include Solid support. DIR is the Solid base install directory, defaults to /usr/local/solid.


Include IBM DB2 support. DIR is the DB2 base install directory, defaults to /home/db2inst1/sqllib.


Include Empress support. DIR is the Empress base install directory, defaults to $EMPRESSPATH. From PHP 4, this option only supports Empress Version 8.60 and above.


Include Empress Local Access support. DIR is the Empress base install directory, defaults to $EMPRESSPATH. From PHP 4, this option only supports Empress Version 8.60 and above.


Include Birdstep support. DIR is the Birdstep base install directory, defaults to /usr/local/birdstep.


Include a user defined ODBC support. The DIR is ODBC install base directory, which defaults to /usr/local. Make sure to define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and have some odbc.h in your include dirs. E.g., you should define following for Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to run configure script:

   CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS="-ldblib -lodbc".


Include iODBC support. DIR is the iODBC base install directory, defaults to /usr/local.


Include Easysoft OOB support. DIR is the OOB base install directory, defaults to /usr/local/easysoft/oob/client.


Include unixODBC support. DIR is the unixODBC base install directory, defaults to /usr/local.

Include OpenLink ODBC support. DIR is the OpenLink base install directory, defaults to /usr/local. This is the same as iODBC.


Include DBMaker support. DIR is the DBMaker base install directory, defaults to where the latest version of DBMaker is installed (such as /home/dbmaker/3.6).

To disable unified ODBC support in PHP 3 add --disable-unified-odbc to your configure line. Only applicable if iODBC, Adabas, Solid, Velocis or a custom ODBC interface is enabled.

Windows versionen af PHP har indbygget support for denne udvidelse. Du behøver ikke indsætte ekstra udvidelser for at bruge disse funktioner.

Runtime Konfiguration

Virkemåden af disse funktioner er berørt af indstillinger i php.ini.

Unified ODBC Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
odbc.default_db * NULL PHP_INI_ALL
odbc.default_user * NULL PHP_INI_ALL
odbc.default_pw * NULL PHP_INI_ALL
odbc.allow_persistent "1" PHP_INI_SYSTEM  
odbc.check_persistent "1" PHP_INI_SYSTEM  
odbc.max_persistent "-1" PHP_INI_SYSTEM  
odbc.max_links "-1" PHP_INI_SYSTEM  
odbc.defaultlrl "4096" PHP_INI_ALL  
odbc.defaultbinmode "1" PHP_INI_ALL  

Note: Entries marked with * are not implemented yet.

For flere detaljer og definationer af PHP_INI_* constanterne, se ini_set() dokumentation.

Her er en kort forklaring på konfigurations-direktiverne.

odbc.default_db string

ODBC data source to use if none is specified in odbc_connect() or odbc_pconnect().

odbc.default_user string

User name to use if none is specified in odbc_connect() or odbc_pconnect().

odbc.default_pw string

Password to use if none is specified in odbc_connect() or odbc_pconnect().

odbc.allow_persistent boolean

Whether to allow persistent ODBC connections.

odbc.check_persistent boolean

Check that a connection is still valid before reuse.

odbc.max_persistent integer

The maximum number of persistent ODBC connections per process.

The maximum number of ODBC connections per process, including persistent connections.

odbc.defaultlrl integer

Handling of LONG fields. Specifies the number of bytes returned to variables.

Når en integer er brugt, vil værdien måles i bytes. Du kan også bruge stenografi notationen som beskrevet i denne OSS.
odbc.defaultbinmode integer

Handling of binary data.


This extension defines two resource types: an ODBC connection identifier and an ODBC result identifier.

Foruddefinerede Konstanter

Konstanterne nedenunder er defineret af denne udvidelse, og vil kun være tilgængelige når denne udvidelse enten er blevet kompileret ind i PHP eller dynamisk indsat under runtime.

ODBC_TYPE (integer)
SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC (integer)
SQL_CHAR (integer)
SQL_VARCHAR (integer)
SQL_DECIMAL (integer)
SQL_NUMERIC (integer)
SQL_BIT (integer)
SQL_TINYINT (integer)
SQL_SMALLINT (integer)
SQL_INTEGER (integer)
SQL_BIGINT (integer)
SQL_REAL (integer)
SQL_FLOAT (integer)
SQL_DOUBLE (integer)
SQL_BINARY (integer)
SQL_DATE (integer)
SQL_TIME (integer)
SQL_TYPE_DATE (integer)
SQL_TYPE_TIME (integer)
SQL_BEST_ROWID (integer)
SQL_ROWVER (integer)
SQL_NO_NULLS (integer)
SQL_NULLABLE (integer)
SQL_INDEX_ALL (integer)
SQL_ENSURE (integer)
SQL_QUICK (integer)

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