W32api Functions
This extension is a generic extension API to DLLs. This was originally written to allow access to the Win32 API from PHP, although you can also access other functions exported via other DLLs.
Currently supported types are generic PHP types (strings, booleans, floats, integers and nulls) and types you define with w32api_deftype().
Note: This extension has been moved to the » PECL repository and is no longer bundled with PHP as of PHP 5.1.0.
Denne udvidelse er EKSPERIMENTABEL. Virkemåden af denne udvidelse -- inklusiv navnene på des funktioner og alt andet dokumenteret om udvidelsen -- ændres muligvis uden advarsel, i en fremtidig version af PHP. Brug af denne udvidelse er på ejet ansvar.
This extension will only work on Windows systems.
Der er ingen installation nødvendig for at kunne bruge disse funktioner; de er en del af PHP kernen.
Runtime Konfiguration
Denne udvidelse har intet konfigurations-direktiv defineret i php.ini.
This extension defines one resource type, used for user defined types. The name of this resource is "dynaparm".
Foruddefinerede Konstanter
Konstanterne nedenunder er defineret af denne udvidelse, og vil kun være tilgængelige når denne udvidelse enten er blevet kompileret ind i PHP eller dynamisk indsat under runtime.
This example gets the amount of time the system has been running and displays it in a message box.
Example#1 Get the uptime and display it in a message box
// Define constants needed, taken from
// Visual Studio/Tools/Winapi/WIN32API.txt
define("MB_OK", 0);
// Load the extension in
// Register the GetTickCount function from kernel32.dll
// Register the MessageBoxA function from User32.dll
// Get uptime information
$ticks = GetTickCount();
// Convert it to a nicely displayable text
$secs = floor($ticks / 1000);
$mins = floor($secs / 60);
$hours = floor($mins / 60);
$str = sprintf("You have been using your computer for:" .
"\r\n %d Milliseconds, or \r\n %d Seconds" .
"or \r\n %d mins or\r\n %d hours %d mins.",
$mins - ($hours*60));
// Display a message box with only an OK button and the uptime text
"Uptime Information",
Table of Contents
- w32api_deftype — Defines a type for use with other w32api_functions
- w32api_init_dtype — Creates an instance of the data type typename and fills it with the values passed
- w32api_invoke_function — Invokes function funcname with the arguments passed after the function name
- w32api_register_function — Registers function function_name from library with PHP
- w32api_set_call_method — Sets the calling method used