(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
pg_delete — Deletes records
pg_delete() deletes records from a table specified by the keys and values in assoc_array . If options is specified, pg_convert() is applied to assoc_array with the specified options.
- connection
PostgreSQL database connection resource.
- table_name
Name of the table from which to delete rows.
- assoc_array
An array whose keys are field names in the table table_name , and whose values are the values of those fields that are to be deleted.
- options
Any number of PGSQL_CONV_FORCE_NULL, PGSQL_DML_NO_CONV, PGSQL_DML_EXEC or PGSQL_DML_STRING combined. If PGSQL_DML_STRING is part of the options then query string is returned.
Return Values
Geeft TRUE terug bij succes, FALSE indien er een fout is opgetreden. Returns string if PGSQL_DML_STRING is passed via options .
Example#1 pg_delete() example
$db = pg_connect('dbname=foo');
// This is safe, since $_POST is converted automatically
$res = pg_delete($db, 'post_log', $_POST);
if ($res) {
echo "POST data is deleted: $res\n";
} else {
echo "User must have sent wrong inputs\n";
Deze functie is EXPERIMENTEEL. Dat betekent, dat het gedrag van deze functie, deze functienaam, in concreto ALLES dat hier gedocumenteerd is in een toekomstige uitgave van PHP ZONDER WAARSCHUWING kan veranderen. Wees gewaarschuwd, en gebruik deze functie op eigen risico.