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hash Functions


Message Digest (hash) engine. Allows direct or incremental processing of arbitrary length messages using a variety of hashing algorithms.


The Hash extension requires no external libraries and is enabled by default as of PHP 5.1.2. It may be explicitly disabled by using the --disable-hash switch to configure. Earlier versions of PHP may incorporate the Hash extension by installing the » PECL module.

Resource types

This extension defines a Hashing Context resource returned by hash_init().

Voorgedefinieerde constanten

Deze constanten worden gedefinieerd door deze extensie, en zullen alleen beschikbaar zijn als de extensie met PHP is meegecompileerd, of als deze dynamisch is geladen vanuit een script.

HASH_HMAC (integer)
Optional flag for hash_init(). Indicates that the HMAC digest-keying algorithm should be applied to the current hashing context.

Table of Contents

  • hash_algos — Return a list of registered hashing algorithms
  • hash_file — Generate a hash value using the contents of a given file
  • hash_final — Finalize an incremental hash and return resulting digest
  • hash_hmac_file — Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method and the contents of a given file
  • hash_hmac — Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method
  • hash_init — Initialize an incremental hashing context
  • hash_update_file — Pump data into an active hashing context from a file
  • hash_update_stream — Pump data into an active hashing context from an open stream
  • hash_update — Pump data into an active hashing context
  • hash — Generate a hash value (message digest)