Imagick Image Library
Deze module is EXPERIMENTEEL. Dat betekent, dat het gedrag van deze functies, deze functienamen, in concreto ALLES dat hier gedocumenteerd is in een toekomstige uitgave van PHP ZONDER WAARSCHUWING kan veranderen. Wees gewaarschuwd, en gebruik deze module op eigen risico.
ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images.. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF.
Copyright 1999-2007 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available.
Imagick makes image manipulation in PHP extremely easy through an OO interface. Here is a quick example on how to make a thumbnail:
Example#1 Creating a thumbnail in Imagick
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
$image = new Imagick('image.jpg');
// If 0 is provided as a width or height parameter,
// aspect ratio is maintained
$image->thumbnailImage(100, 0);
echo $image;
Using SPL and other OO features supported in Imagick, it can be simple to resize all files in a directory (useful for batch resizing large digital camera images to be web viewable). Here we use resize, as we might want to retain certain meta-data:
Example#2 Make a thumbnail of all JPG files in a directory
$images = new Imagick(glob('images/*.JPG'));
foreach($images as $image) {
// Providing 0 forces thumbnailImage to maintain aspect ratio
Table of Contents
- Constants — Imagick class constants
- Installation — Installing the Imagick extension
- Imagick — Imagick Class
- Imagick::adaptiveBlurImage — Adds adaptive blur filter to image
- Imagick::adaptiveResizeImage — Adaptively resize image with data dependent triangulation
- Imagick::adaptiveSharpenImage — Adaptively sharpen the image
- Imagick::adaptiveThresholdImage — Selects a threshold for each pixel based on a range of intensity
- Imagick::addImage — Adds new image to Imagick object image list
- Imagick::addNoiseImage — Adds random noise to the image
- Imagick::affineTransformImage — Transforms an image
- Imagick::annotateImage — Annotates an image with text
- Imagick::appendImages — Append a set of images
- Imagick::averageImages — Average a set of images
- Imagick::blackThresholdImage — Forces all pixels below the threshold into black
- Imagick::blurImage — Adds blur filter to image
- Imagick::borderImage — Surrounds the image with a border
- Imagick::charcoalImage — Simulates a charcoal drawing
- Imagick::chopImage — Removes a region of an image and trims
- Imagick::clear — Clears all resources associated to Imagick object
- Imagick::clipImage — Clips along the first path from the 8BIM profile
- Imagick::clipPathImage — Clips along the named paths from the 8BIM profile
- Imagick::clone — Makes an exact copy of the Imagick object
- Imagick::coalesceImages — Composites a set of images
- Imagick::colorFloodfillImage — Changes the color value of any pixel that matches target
- Imagick::colorizeImage — Blends the fill color with the image
- Imagick::clutImage — Replaces colors in the image from a color lookup table
- Imagick::combineImages — Combines one or more images into a single image
- Imagick::commentImage — Adds a comment to your image
- Imagick::compareImageChannels — Returns the difference in one or more images
- Imagick::compareImageLayers — Returns the maximum bounding region between images
- Imagick::compositeImage — Composite one image onto another
- Imagick::__construct — The Imagick constructor
- Imagick::contrastImage — Change the contrast of the image
- Imagick::contrastStretchImage — Enhances the contrast of a color image
- Imagick::convolveImage — Applies a custom convolution kernel to the image
- Imagick::cropImage — Extracts a region of the image
- Imagick::current — Sets image pointer at the correct sequence
- Imagick::cycleColormapImage — Displaces an image's colormap
- Imagick::deconstructImages — Returns certain pixel differences between images
- Imagick::despeckleImage — Reduces the speckle noise in an image
- Imagick::destroy — Destroys the Imagick object
- Imagick::drawImage — Renders the ImagickDrawing object on the current image
- Imagick::edgeImage — Enhance edges within the image
- Imagick::embossImage — Returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect
- Imagick::enhanceImage — Improves the quality of a noisy image
- Imagick::equalizeImage — Equalizes the image histogram
- Imagick::evaluateImage — Applies an expression to an image
- Imagick::flattenImages — Merges a sequence of images
- Imagick::flipImage — Creates a vertical mirror image
- Imagick::flopImage — Creates a horizontal mirror image
- Imagick::frameImage — Adds a simulated three-dimensional border
- Imagick::fxImage — Evaluate expression for each pixel in the image
- Imagick::gammaImage — Gamma-corrects an image
- Imagick::gaussianBlurImage — Blurs an image
- Imagick::getCompressionQuality — Gets the object compression quality
- Imagick::getCompression — Gets the object compression type
- Imagick::getCopyright — Returns the ImageMagick API copyright as a string constant
- Imagick::getFilename — The filename associated with an image sequence
- Imagick::getFormat — Returns the format of the Imagick object
- Imagick::getHomeURL — Returns the ImageMagick home URL
- Imagick::getImageBackgroundColor — Returns the image background color
- Imagick::getImageBlob — Returns the image sequence as a blob
- Imagick::getImageBluePrimary — Returns the chromaticy blue primary point
- Imagick::getImageBorderColor — Returns the image border color
- Imagick::getImageChannelDepth — Gets the depth for a particular image channel
- Imagick::getImageChannelDistortion — Compares image channels of an image to a reconstructed image
- Imagick::getImageChannelExtrema — Gets the extrema for one or more image channels
- Imagick::getImageChannelMean — Gets the mean and standard deviation
- Imagick::getImageChannelStatistics — Returns statistics for each channel in the image
- Imagick::getImageColormapColor — Returns the color of the specified colormap index
- Imagick::getImageColorspace — Gets the image colorspace
- Imagick::getImageColors — Gets the number of unique colors in the image
- Imagick::getImageCompose — Returns the composite operator associated with the image
- Imagick::getImageDelay — Gets the image delay
- Imagick::getImageDepth — Gets the image depth
- Imagick::getImageDispose — Gets the image disposal method
- Imagick::getImageDistortion — Compares an image to a reconstructed image
- Imagick::getImageExtrema — Gets the extrema for the image
- Imagick::getImageFilename — Returns the filename of a particular image in a sequence
- Imagick::getImageSize — Returns the image length in bytes
- Imagick::getImageLength — Returns the image length in bytes
- Imagick::getImageFormat — Returns the format of a particular image in a sequence
- Imagick::getImageGamma — Gets the image gamma
- Imagick::getImageGeometry — Gets the width and height as an associative array
- Imagick::getImageGreenPrimary — Returns the chromaticy green primary point
- Imagick::getImageHeight — Returns the image height
- Imagick::getImageHistogram — Gets the image histogram
- Imagick::getImageIndex — Gets the index of the current active image
- Imagick::getIteratorIndex — Gets the index of the current active image
- Imagick::getImageInterlaceScheme — Gets the image interlace scheme
- Imagick::getImageInterpolateMethod — Returns the interpolation method
- Imagick::getImageIterations — Gets the image iterations
- Imagick::getImageMatteColor — Returns the image matte color
- Imagick::getImageMatte — Return if the image has a matte channel
- Imagick::getImagePage — Returns the page geometry
- Imagick::getImagePixelColor — Returns the color of the specified pixel
- Imagick::getImageProfile — Returns the named image profile
- Imagick::getImageProfiles — Returns the image profiles
- Imagick::getImageProperty — Returns the named image property
- Imagick::getImageProperties — Returns the image properties
- Imagick::getImageRedPrimary — Returns the chromaticy red primary point
- Imagick::getImageRegion — Extracts a region of the image
- Imagick::getImageRenderingIntent — Gets the image rendering intent
- Imagick::getImageResolution — Gets the image X and Y resolution
- Imagick::getImageScene — Gets the image scene
- Imagick::getImageSignature — Generates an SHA-256 message digest
- Imagick::getImageTicksPerSecond — Gets the image ticks-per-second
- Imagick::getImageTotalInkDensity — Gets the image total ink density
- Imagick::getImageType — Gets the potential image type
- Imagick::getImageUnits — Gets the image units of resolution
- Imagick::getImageVirtualPixelMethod — Returns the virtual pixel method
- Imagick::getImageWhitePoint — Returns the chromaticy white point
- Imagick::getImageWidth — Returns the image width
- Imagick::getImage — Returns a new Imagick object
- Imagick::getInterlaceScheme — Gets the object interlace scheme
- Imagick::getImageOrientation — Gets the image orientation.
- Imagick::getNumberImages — Returns the number of images in the object
- Imagick::getOption — Returns a value associated with the specified key
- Imagick::getPackageName — Returns the ImageMagick package name
- Imagick::getPage — Returns the page geometry
- Imagick::getPixelIterator — Returns a MagickPixelIterator
- Imagick::getPixelRegionIterator — Get an ImagickPixelIterator for an image section
- Imagick::getQuantumDepth — Gets the quantum depth
- Imagick::getQuantumRange — Returns the Imagick quantum range
- Imagick::getReleaseDate — Returns the ImageMagick release date
- Imagick::getResourceLimit — Returns the specified resource limit
- Imagick::getResource — Returns the specified resource's memory usage
- Imagick::getSamplingFactors — Gets the horizontal and vertical sampling factor
- Imagick::getSizeOffset — Returns the size offset
- Imagick::getSize — Returns the size associated with the Imagick object
- Imagick::getVersion — Returns the ImageMagick API version
- Imagick::hasNextImage — Checks if the object has more images
- Imagick::hasPreviousImage — Checks if the object has a previous image
- Imagick::identifyImage — Identifies an image and fetches attributes
- Imagick::implodeImage — Creates a new image as a copy
- Imagick::labelImage — Adds a label to an image
- Imagick::levelImage — Adjusts the levels of an image
- Imagick::linearStretchImage — Stretches with saturation the image intensity
- Imagick::magnifyImage — Scales an image proportionally 2x
- Imagick::matteFloodfillImage — Changes the transparency value of a color
- Imagick::medianFilterImage — Applies a digital filter
- Imagick::minifyImage — Scales an image proportionally to half its size
- Imagick::modulateImage — Control the brightness, saturation, and hue
- Imagick::montageImage — Creates a composite image
- Imagick::morphImages — Method morphs a set of images
- Imagick::compareImages — Compares an image to a reconstructed image
- Imagick::mosaicImages — Forms a mosaic from images
- Imagick::motionBlurImage — Simulates motion blur
- Imagick::negateImage — Negates the colors in the reference image
- Imagick::distortImage — Distorts an image using various distortion methods
- Imagick::newImage — Creates a new image
- Imagick::setImage — Replaces image in the object
- Imagick::setImageOpacity — Sets the image opacity level
- Imagick::newPseudoImage — Creates a new image
- Imagick::nextImage — Moves to the next image
- Imagick::normalizeImage — Enhances the contrast of a color image
- Imagick::oilPaintImage — Simulates an oil painting
- Imagick::optimizeImageLayers — Removes repeated portions of images to optimize
- Imagick::paintOpaqueImage — Change any pixel that matches color
- Imagick::paintTransparentImage — Changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill
- Imagick::pingImageBlob — Quickly fetch attributes
- Imagick::pingImageFile — Get basic image attributes in a lightweight manner
- Imagick::pingImage — Fetch basic attributes about the image
- Imagick::posterizeImage — Reduces the image to a limited number of color level
- Imagick::previousImage — Move to the previous image in the object
- Imagick::profileImage — Adds or removes a profile from an image
- Imagick::queryFormats — Returns formats supported by Imagick
- Imagick::radialBlurImage — Radial blurs an image
- Imagick::raiseImage — Creates a simulated 3d button-like effect
- Imagick::randomThresholdImage — Creates a high-contrast, two-color image
- Imagick::readImageBlob — Reads image from a binary string
- Imagick::readImageFile — Reads image from open filehandle
- Imagick::readImage — Reads image from filename
- Imagick::reduceNoiseImage — Smooths the contours of an image
- Imagick::removeImageProfile — Removes the named image profile and returns it
- Imagick::removeImage — Removes an image from the image list
- Imagick::render — Renders all preceding drawing commands
- Imagick::resampleImage — Resample image to desired resolution
- Imagick::resizeImage — Scales an image
- Imagick::rollImage — Offsets an image
- Imagick::rotateImage — Rotates an image
- Imagick::sampleImage — Scales an image with pixel sampling
- Imagick::scaleImage — Scales the size of an image
- Imagick::separateImageChannel — Separates a channel from the image
- Imagick::sepiaToneImage — Sepia tones an image
- Imagick::setBackgroundColor — Sets the object's default background color
- Imagick::setCompressionQuality — Sets the object's default compression quality
- Imagick::setCompression — Sets the object's default compression type
- Imagick::setFilename — Sets the filename before you read or write the image
- Imagick::setFirstIterator — Sets the Imagick iterator to the first image
- Imagick::setLastIterator — Sets the Imagick iterator to the last image
- Imagick::setFormat — Sets the format of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setImageBackgroundColor — Sets the image background color
- Imagick::setImageBias — Sets the image bias for any method that convolves an image
- Imagick::setImageBluePrimary — Sets the image chromaticity blue primary point
- Imagick::setImageBorderColor — Sets the image border color
- Imagick::setImageChannelDepth — Sets the depth of a particular image channel
- Imagick::setImageColormapColor — Sets the color of the specified colormap index
- Imagick::setImageColorspace — Sets the image colorspace
- Imagick::setImageCompose — Sets the image composite operator
- Imagick::setImageCompression — Sets the image compression
- Imagick::setImageDelay — Sets the image delay
- Imagick::setImageDepth — Sets the image depth
- Imagick::setImageDispose — Sets the image disposal method
- Imagick::setImageExtent — Sets the image size
- Imagick::setImageFilename — Sets the filename of a particular image
- Imagick::setImageFormat — Sets the format of a particular image
- Imagick::setImageGamma — Sets the image gamma
- Imagick::setImageGreenPrimary — Sets the image chromaticity green primary point
- Imagick::setImageIndex — Set the iterator position
- Imagick::setIteratorIndex — Set the iterator position
- Imagick::setImageInterlaceScheme — Sets the image compression
- Imagick::setImageInterpolateMethod — Sets the image interpolate pixel method
- Imagick::setImageIterations — Sets the image iterations
- Imagick::setImageMatteColor — Sets the image matte color
- Imagick::setImageMatte — Sets the image matte channel
- Imagick::setImagePage — Sets the page geometry of the image
- Imagick::setImageProfile — Adds a named profile to the Imagick object
- Imagick::setImageProperty — Sets an image property
- Imagick::setImageRedPrimary — Sets the image chromaticity red primary point
- Imagick::setImageRenderingIntent — Sets the image rendering intent
- Imagick::setImageResolution — Sets the image resolution
- Imagick::setImageScene — Sets the image scene
- Imagick::setImageTicksPerSecond — Sets the image ticks-per-second
- Imagick::setImageType — Sets the image type
- Imagick::setImageUnits — Sets the image units of resolution
- Imagick::setImageVirtualPixelMethod — Sets the image virtual pixel method
- Imagick::setImageWhitePoint — Sets the image chromaticity white point
- Imagick::setInterlaceScheme — Sets the image compression
- Imagick::setImageOrientation — Sets the image orientation.
- Imagick::setOption — Set an option
- Imagick::setPage — Sets the page geometry of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setResolution — Sets the image resolution
- Imagick::setResourceLimit — Sets the limit for a particular resource in megabytes
- Imagick::setSamplingFactors — Sets the image sampling factors
- Imagick::setSizeOffset — Sets the size and offset of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setSize — Sets the size of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setType — Sets the image type attribute
- Imagick::shadeImage — Creates a 3D effect
- Imagick::shadowImage — Simulates an image shadow
- Imagick::sharpenImage — Sharpens an image
- Imagick::shaveImage — Shaves pixels from the image edges
- Imagick::shearImage — Creating a parallelogram
- Imagick::sigmoidalContrastImage — Adjusts the contrast of an image
- Imagick::sketchImage — Simulates a pencil sketch
- Imagick::solarizeImage — Applies a solarizing effect to the image
- Imagick::spliceImage — Splices a solid color into the image
- Imagick::spreadImage — Randomly displaces each pixel in a block
- Imagick::steganoImage — Hides a digital watermark within the image
- Imagick::stereoImage — Composites two images
- Imagick::stripImage — Strips an image of all profiles and comments
- Imagick::swirlImage — Swirls the pixels about the center of the image
- Imagick::textureImage — Repeatedly tiles the texture image
- Imagick::thresholdImage — Changes the value of individual pixels based on a threshold
- Imagick::thumbnailImage — Changes the size of an image
- Imagick::tintImage — Applies a color vector to each pixel in the image
- Imagick::transverseImage — Creates a horizontal mirror image
- Imagick::trimImage — Remove edges from the image
- Imagick::uniqueImageColors — Discards all but one of any pixel color
- Imagick::unsharpMaskImage — Sharpens an image
- Imagick::valid — Checks if the current item is valid
- Imagick::vignetteImage — Adds vignette filter to the image
- Imagick::waveImage — Adds wave filter to the image
- Imagick::whiteThresholdImage — Force all pixels above the threshold into white
- Imagick::writeImages — Writes an image or image sequence
- Imagick::writeImage — Writes an image to the specified filename
- Imagick::displayImage — Displays an image
- Imagick::displayImages — Displays an image or image sequence
- Imagick::cropThumbnailImage — Creates a crop thumbnail
- Imagick::roundCorners — Rounds image corners
- Imagick::polaroidImage — Simulates a Polaroid picture
- Imagick::queryFonts — Returns the configured fonts
- Imagick::queryFontMetrics — Returns an array representing the font metrics
- ImagickDraw::affine — Adjusts the current affine transformation matrix
- ImagickDraw::annotation — Draws text on the image
- ImagickDraw::arc — Draws an arc
- ImagickDraw::bezier — Draws a bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::circle — Draws a circle
- ImagickDraw::clear — Clears the ImagickDraw
- ImagickDraw::clone — Makes an exact copy of the specified ImagickDraw object
- ImagickDraw::color — Draws color on image
- ImagickDraw::comment — Adds a comment
- ImagickDraw::composite — Composites an image onto the current image
- ImagickDraw::__construct — The ImagickDraw constructor
- ImagickDraw::destroy — Frees all associated resources
- ImagickDraw::ellipse — Draws an ellipse on the image
- ImagickDraw::getClipPath — Obtains the current clipping path ID
- ImagickDraw::getClipRule — Returns the current polygon fill rule
- ImagickDraw::getClipUnits — Returns the interpretation of clip path units
- ImagickDraw::getFillColor — Returns the fill color
- ImagickDraw::getFillOpacity — Returns the opacity used when drawing
- ImagickDraw::getFillRule — Returns the fill rule
- ImagickDraw::getFontFamily — Returns the font family
- ImagickDraw::getFontSize — Returns the font pointsize
- ImagickDraw::getFontStyle — Returns the font style
- ImagickDraw::getFontWeight — Returns the font weight
- ImagickDraw::getFont — Returns the font
- ImagickDraw::getGravity — Returns the text placement gravity
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeAntialias — Returns the current stroke antialias setting
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeColor — Returns the color used for stroking object outlines
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeDashArray — Returns an array representing the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeDashOffset — Returns the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeLineCap — Returns the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeLineJoin — Returns the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeMiterLimit — Returns the stroke miter limit
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeOpacity — Returns the opacity of stroked object outlines
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeWidth — Returns the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines
- ImagickDraw::getTextAlignment — Returns the text alignment
- ImagickDraw::getTextAntialias — Returns the current text antialias setting
- ImagickDraw::getTextDecoration — Returns the text decoration
- ImagickDraw::getTextEncoding — Returns the code set used for text annotations
- ImagickDraw::getTextUnderColor — Returns the text under color
- ImagickDraw::getVectorGraphics — Returns a string containing vector graphics
- ImagickDraw::line — Draws a line
- ImagickDraw::matte — Paints on the image's opacity channel
- ImagickDraw::pathClose — Adds a path element to the current path
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToAbsolute — Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute — Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative — Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute — Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative — Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToRelative — Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToSmoothAbsolute — Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToSmoothRelative — Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathEllipticArcAbsolute — Draws an elliptical arc
- ImagickDraw::pathEllipticArcRelative — Draws an elliptical arc
- ImagickDraw::pathFinish — Terminates the current path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToAbsolute — Draws a line path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToHorizontalAbsolute — Draws a horizontal line path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToHorizontalRelative — Draws a horizontal line
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToRelative — Draws a line path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToVerticalAbsolute — Draws a vertical line
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToVerticalRelative — Draws a vertical line path
- ImagickDraw::pathMoveToAbsolute — Starts a new sub-path
- ImagickDraw::pathMoveToRelative — Starts a new sub-path
- ImagickDraw::pathStart — Declares the start of a path drawing list
- ImagickDraw::point — Draws a point
- ImagickDraw::polygon — Draws a polygon
- ImagickDraw::polyline — Draws a polyline
- ImagickDraw::popClipPath — Terminates a clip path definition
- ImagickDraw::popDefs — Terminates a definition list
- ImagickDraw::pop — Destroys the current ImagickDraw in the stack, and returns to the previously pushed ImagickDraw
- ImagickDraw::popPattern — Terminates a pattern definition
- ImagickDraw::pushClipPath — Starts a clip path definition
- ImagickDraw::pushDefs — Indicates that following commands create named elements for early processing
- ImagickDraw::push — Clones the current ImagickDraw and pushes it to the stack
- ImagickDraw::pushPattern — Indicates that subsequent commands up to a ImagickDraw::opPattern() command comprise the definition of a named pattern
- ImagickDraw::rectangle — Draws a rectangle
- ImagickDraw::render — Renders all preceding drawing commands onto the image
- ImagickDraw::rotate — Applies the specified rotation to the current coordinate space
- ImagickDraw::roundRectangle — Draws a rounted rectangle
- ImagickDraw::scale — Adjusts the scaling factor
- ImagickDraw::setClipPath — Associates a named clipping path with the image
- ImagickDraw::setClipRule — Set the polygon fill rule to be used by the clipping path
- ImagickDraw::setClipUnits — Sets the interpretation of clip path units
- ImagickDraw::setFillAlpha — Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture
- ImagickDraw::setFillColor — Sets the fill color to be used for drawing filled objects
- ImagickDraw::setFillOpacity — Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture
- ImagickDraw::setFillPatternURL — Sets the URL to use as a fill pattern for filling objects
- ImagickDraw::setFillRule — Sets the fill rule to use while drawing polygons
- ImagickDraw::setFontFamily — Sets the font family to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontSize — Sets the font pointsize to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontStretch — Sets the font stretch to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontStyle — Sets the font style to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontWeight — Sets the font weight
- ImagickDraw::setFont — Sets the fully-specified font to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setGravity — Sets the text placement gravity
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeAlpha — Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeAntialias — Controls whether stroked outlines are antialiased
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeColor — Sets the color used for stroking object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashArray — Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashOffset — Specifies the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineCap — Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineJoin — Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeMiterLimit — Specifies the miter limit
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeOpacity — Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokePatternURL — Sets the pattern used for stroking object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeWidth — Sets the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setTextAlignment — Specifies a text alignment
- ImagickDraw::setTextAntialias — Controls whether text is antialiased
- ImagickDraw::setTextDecoration — Specifies a decoration
- ImagickDraw::setTextEncoding — Specifies specifies the text code set
- ImagickDraw::setTextUnderColor — Specifies the color of a background rectangle
- ImagickDraw::setVectorGraphics — Sets the vector graphics
- ImagickDraw::setViewbox — Sets the overall canvas size
- ImagickDraw::skewX — Skews the current coordinate system in the horizontal direction
- ImagickDraw::skewY — Skews the current coordinate system in the vertical direction
- ImagickDraw::translate — Applies a translation to the current coordinate system
- ImagickPixel::clear — Clears resources associated with this object
- ImagickPixel::__construct — The ImagickPixel constructor
- ImagickPixel::destroy — Deallocates resources associated with this object
- ImagickPixel::getColor — Returns the color
- ImagickPixel::getColorCount — Returns the color count associated with this color
- ImagickPixel::getColorValue — Gets the normalized value of the provided color channel
- ImagickPixel::getHSL — Returns the normalized HSL color of the ImagickPixel object
- ImagickPixel::isSimilar — Check the distance between this color and another
- ImagickPixel::setColorValue — Sets the normalized value of one of the channels
- ImagickPixel::setColor — Sets the color
- ImagickPixel::setHSL — Sets the normalized HSL color
- ImagickPixelIterator::clear — Clear resources associated with a PixelIterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::__construct — The ImagickPixelIterator constructor
- ImagickPixelIterator::destroy — Deallocates resources associated with a PixelIterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::getCurrentIteratorRow — Returns the current row of ImagickPixel objects
- ImagickPixelIterator::getIteratorRow — Returns the current pixel iterator row
- ImagickPixelIterator::getNextIteratorRow — Returns the next row of the pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::getPreviousIteratorRow — Returns the previous row
- ImagickPixelIterator::newPixelIterator — Returns a new pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::newPixelRegionIterator — Returns a new pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::resetIterator — Resets the pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::setIteratorFirstRow — Sets the pixel iterator to the first pixel row
- ImagickPixelIterator::setIteratorLastRow — Sets the pixel iterator to the last pixel row
- ImagickPixelIterator::setIteratorRow — Set the pixel iterator row
- ImagickPixelIterator::syncIterator — Syncs the pixel iterator