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Network Functions



Deze functies zijn beschikbaar als onderdeel van de standaard module die altijd beschikbaar is.


Er zijn geen handelingen nodig m.b.t. tot installatie voor deze functies, deze maken deel uit van de kern van PHP.

Configuratie tijdens scriptuitvoer

Het gedrag van deze functies wordt beïnvloed vanuit php.ini.

Network Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
define_syslog_variables "0" PHP_INI_ALL  
For further details and definitions of the PHP_INI_* constants, see the php.ini directives.

Here's a short explanation of the configuration directives.

define_syslog_variables boolean

Whether or not to define the various syslog variables (e.g. $LOG_PID, $LOG_CRON, etc.). Turning it off is a good idea performance-wise. At runtime, you can define these variables by calling define_syslog_variables().

Resource types

This extension defines a file pointer resource returned by fsockopen() and pfsockopen().

Voorgedefinieerde constanten

De constanten die hier staan zijn altijd aanwezig als een onderdeel van de PHP kern.

openlog() Options
Constant Description
LOG_CONS if there is an error while sending data to the system logger, write directly to the system console
LOG_NDELAY open the connection to the logger immediately
LOG_ODELAY (default) delay opening the connection until the first message is logged
LOG_PERROR print log message also to standard error
LOG_PID include PID with each message
openlog() Facilities
Constant Description
LOG_AUTH security/authorization messages (use LOG_AUTHPRIV instead in systems where that constant is defined)
LOG_AUTHPRIV security/authorization messages (private)
LOG_CRON clock daemon (cron and at)
LOG_DAEMON other system daemons
LOG_KERN kernel messages
LOG_LOCAL0 ... LOG_LOCAL7 reserved for local use, these are not available in Windows
LOG_LPR line printer subsystem
LOG_MAIL mail subsystem
LOG_NEWS USENET news subsystem
LOG_SYSLOG messages generated internally by syslogd
LOG_USER generic user-level messages
LOG_UUCP UUCP subsystem
syslog() Priorities (in descending order)
Constant Description
LOG_EMERG system is unusable
LOG_ALERT action must be taken immediately
LOG_CRIT critical conditions
LOG_ERR error conditions
LOG_WARNING warning conditions
LOG_NOTICE normal, but significant, condition
LOG_INFO informational message
LOG_DEBUG debug-level message
dns_get_record() Options
Constant Description
DNS_A IPv4 Address Resource
DNS_MX Mail Exchanger Resource
DNS_CNAME Alias (Canonical Name) Resource
DNS_NS Authoritative Name Server Resource
DNS_PTR Pointer Resource
DNS_HINFO Host Info Resource (See IANA's » Operating System Names for the meaning of these values)
DNS_SOA Start of Authority Resource
DNS_TXT Text Resource
DNS_ANY Any Resource Record. On most systems this returns all resource records, however it should not be counted upon for critical uses. Try DNS_ALL instead.
DNS_AAAA IPv6 Address Resource
DNS_ALL Iteratively query the name server for each available record type.

Table of Contents

  • checkdnsrr — Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address
  • closelog — Close connection to system logger
  • debugger_off — Disable internal PHP debugger (PHP 3)
  • debugger_on — Enable internal PHP debugger (PHP 3)
  • define_syslog_variables — Initializes all syslog related constants
  • dns_check_record — Alias van checkdnsrr
  • dns_get_mx — Alias van getmxrr
  • dns_get_record — Fetch DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname
  • fsockopen — Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
  • gethostbyaddr — Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address
  • gethostbyname — Get the IP address corresponding to a given Internet host name
  • gethostbynamel — Get a list of IP addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name
  • getmxrr — Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name
  • getprotobyname — Get protocol number associated with protocol name
  • getprotobynumber — Get protocol name associated with protocol number
  • getservbyname — Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol
  • getservbyport — Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol
  • header — Send a raw HTTP header
  • headers_list — Returns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)
  • headers_sent — Checks if or where headers have been sent
  • inet_ntop — Converts a packed internet address to a human readable representation
  • inet_pton — Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation
  • ip2long — Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a proper address
  • long2ip — Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format
  • openlog — Open connection to system logger
  • pfsockopen — Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection
  • setcookie — Send a cookie
  • setrawcookie — Send a cookie without urlencoding the cookie value
  • socket_get_status — Alias van stream_get_meta_data
  • socket_set_blocking — Alias van stream_set_blocking
  • socket_set_timeout — Alias van stream_set_timeout
  • syslog — Generate a system log message