(No version information available, might be only in CVS)
SDO_DAS_DataFactory::addPropertyToType — Adds a property to a type
This function is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, the name of this function, and anything else documented about this function may change without notice in a future release of PHP. Use this function at your own risk.
Adds a property to a type. The type must already be known to the SDO_DAS_DataFactory (i.e. have been added using addType()). The property becomes a property of the type. This is how the graph model for the structure of an SDO_DataObject is built.
- parent_type_namespace_uri
The namespace URI for the parent type.
- parent_type_name
The type name for the parent type.
- property_name
The name by which the property will be known in the parent type.
- type_namespace_uri
The namespace URI for the type of the property.
- type_name
The type name for the type of the property
- options
This array holds one or more key=>value pairs to set attribute values for the property. The optional keywords are:
- many
A flag to say whether the property is many-valued. A value of 'true' adds the property as a many-valued property (default is 'false').
- readOnly
A flag to say whether the property is read-only. A value of 'true' means the property value cannot be modified through the SDO application APIs (default is 'false').
- containment
A flag to say whether the property is contained by the parent. A value of 'true' means the property is contained by the parent. A value of 'false' results in a non-containment reference (default is 'true'). This flag is only interpreted when adding properties which are data object types, otherwise it is ignored.
- default
A default value for the property. Omitting this key means that the property does not have a default value. A property can only have a default value if it is a single-valued data type (primitive).
Return Values
Version | Description |
0.5.2 | Optional parameters many, readOnly, and containment deprecated in favour of the options array. |
Example#1 A SDO_DAS_DataFactory::addPropertyToType() example
The following adds an 'addressline' property to a Person type. The person type is identified by its namespace, 'PersonNS', and type name, 'PersonType'. The type of the 'addressline' property is a many-valued SDO data type (primitive) with namespace 'commonj.sdo' and type name 'String'.
$df->addPropertyToType('PersonNS', 'PersonType',
'addressline', 'commonj.sdo', 'String', array('many'=>true));