(PHP 5, PECL tidy:0.5.2-1.2)
tidy_get_status — Get status of specified document
Procedural style:
int tidy_get_status
( tidy $object
Object oriented style:
int tidy->getStatus
( void
tidy_get_status() returns the status for the specified tidy object . It returns 0 if no error/warning was raised, 1 for warnings or accessibility errors, or 2 for errors.
Example#1 tidy_get_status() example
$html = '<p>paragraph</i>';
$tidy = tidy_parse_string($html);
$html2 = '<bogus>test</bogus>';
$tidy2 = tidy_parse_string($html2);
echo tidy_get_status($tidy); //1
echo tidy_get_status($tidy2); //2