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SCA_LocalProxy::createDataObject — create an SDO


SDO_DataObject SCA_LocalProxy::createDataObject ( string $type_namespace_uri , string $type_name )

Varoitus! Tämä funktio on EKSPERIMENTAALINEN. Tämän funktion ominaisuudet, käyttäytyminen, parametrit ja nimi voivat muuttua varoituksetta seuraavissa PHP versioissa.

This method is used inside either an ordinary PHP script or an SCA component that needs to create an SDO to pass to a local service. The parameters are the desired SDO's namespace URI and type name. The namespace and type must be defined in the interface of the component that is to be called, so the namespace and type must be defined in one of the schema files which are specfied on the @types annotation within the component for which the SCA_LocalProxy object is a proxy.



The namespace of the type.


The name of the type.

Return values

Returns the newly created SDO_DataObject.



Thrown if the namespaceURI and typeName do not correspond to a type in any of the schema files specified in the @types annotations within the component for which the SCA_LocalProxy object is a proxy..