(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)
openssl_public_decrypt — Decrypts data with public key
bool openssl_public_decrypt
( string $data
, string &$decrypted
, mixed $key
[, int $padding
] )
openssl_public_decrypt() decrypts data that was previous encrypted via openssl_private_encrypt() and stores the result into decrypted .
You can use this function e.g. to check if the message was written by the owner of the private key.
- data
- decrypted
- key
key must be the public key corresponding that was used to encrypt the data.
- padding
padding defaults to OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING, but can also be OPENSSL_NO_PADDING.
Return values
Palauttaa TRUE onnistuessaan, muutoin FALSE.