(PECL paradox:1.0-1.4.1)
px_get_info — Return lots of information about a paradox file
Return values
Returns an associated array with lots of information about a paradox file. This array is likely to be extended in the future.
- fileversion
Version of file multiplied by 10, e.g. 70.
- tablename
Name of table as stored in the file. If the database was created by pxlib, then this will be the name of the file without the extension.
- numrecords
Number of records in this table.
- numfields
Number of fields in this table.
- headersize
Number of bytes used for the header. This is usually 0x800.
- recordsize
Number of bytes used for each record. This is the sum of all field sizes (available since version 1.4.2).
- maxtablesize
This value multiplied by 0x400 is the size of a data block in bytes. The maximum number of records in a datablock is the integer part of (maxtablesize * 0x400 - 8) / recordsize.
- numdatablocks
The number of data blocks in the file. Each data block contains a certain number of records which depends on the record size and the data block size (maxtablesize). Data blocks may not necessarily be completely filled.
- numindexfields
Number of fields used for the primary index. The fields do always start with field number 1.
- codepage
The DOS codepage which was used for encoding fields with character data. If the target encoding is not set with px_set_targetencoding() this will be the encoding for character fields when records are being accessed with px_get_record() or px_retrieve_record().