(PECL svn:0.1-0.2)
svn_cleanup — Recursively cleanup a working copy directory, finishing incomplete operations and removing locks
Recursively cleanup working copy directory workingdir , finishing any incomplete operations and removing working copy locks. Use when a working copy is in limbo and needs to be usable again.
- workingdir
String path to local working directory to cleanup
Note: Relative paths will be resolved as if the current working directory was the one that contains the PHP binary. To use the calling script's working directory, use realpath() or dirname(__FILE__).
Return values
Palauttaa TRUE onnistuessaan, muutoin FALSE.
Varoitus! Tämä funktio on EKSPERIMENTAALINEN. Tämän funktion ominaisuudet, käyttäytyminen, parametrit ja nimi voivat muuttua varoituksetta seuraavissa PHP versioissa.
Example#1 Basic example
This example demonstrates clean up of a working copy in a directory named help-me:
The realpath() call is necessary due to SVN's quirky handling of relative paths.