Array Functions
These functions allow you to interact with and manipulate arrays in various ways. Arrays are essential for storing, managing, and operating on sets of variables.
Simple and multi-dimensional arrays are supported, and may be either user created or created by another function. There are specific database handling functions for populating arrays from database queries, and several functions return arrays.
Please see the Arrays section of the manual for a detailed explanation of how arrays are implemented and used in PHP. See also Array operators for other ways how to manipulate the arrays.
Tämän laajennuksen asentaminen ei vaadi ylimääräisiä ohjelmakirjastoja.
Näiden funktioiden käyttö ei vaadi erillisten ohjelmien asentamista; ne toimitetaan PHP:n mukana.
Runtime Configuration
Tämä laajennus ei määrittele yhtäkään direktiiviä php.inissä.
Resource Types
Tämä laajennus ei määrittele yhtäkään resurssityyppiä.
Predefined Constants
The constants below are always available as part of the PHP core.
- CASE_LOWER (integer)
- CASE_LOWER is used with array_change_key_case() and is used to convert array keys to lower case. This is also the default case for array_change_key_case().
- CASE_UPPER (integer)
- CASE_UPPER is used with array_change_key_case() and is used to convert array keys to upper case.
Sorting order flags:
- SORT_ASC (integer)
- SORT_ASC is used with array_multisort() to sort in ascending order.
- SORT_DESC (integer)
- SORT_DESC is used with array_multisort() to sort in descending order.
Sorting type flags: used by various sort functions
- SORT_REGULAR (integer)
- SORT_REGULAR is used to compare items normally.
- SORT_NUMERIC (integer)
- SORT_NUMERIC is used to compare items numerically.
- SORT_STRING (integer)
- SORT_STRING is used to compare items as strings.
- SORT_LOCALE_STRING is used to compare items as strings, based on the current locale. Added in PHP 4.4.0 and 5.0.2.
See Also
See also is_array(), explode(), implode(), split(), preg_split(), and unset().
Table of Contents
- array_change_key_case — Changes all keys in an array
- array_chunk — Split an array into chunks
- array_combine — Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values
- array_count_values — Counts all the values of an array
- array_diff_assoc — Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check
- array_diff_key — Computes the difference of arrays using keys for comparison
- array_diff_uassoc — Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check which is performed by a user supplied callback function
- array_diff_ukey — Computes the difference of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison
- array_diff — Computes the difference of arrays
- array_fill_keys — Fill an array with values, specifying keys
- array_fill — Fill an array with values
- array_filter — Filters elements of an array using a callback function
- array_flip — Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array
- array_intersect_assoc — Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check
- array_intersect_key — Computes the intersection of arrays using keys for comparison
- array_intersect_uassoc — Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check, compares indexes by a callback function
- array_intersect_ukey — Computes the intersection of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison
- array_intersect — Computes the intersection of arrays
- array_key_exists — Checks if the given key or index exists in the array
- array_keys — Return all the keys of an array
- array_map — Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays
- array_merge_recursive — Merge two or more arrays recursively
- array_merge — Merge one or more arrays
- array_multisort — Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays
- array_pad — Pad array to the specified length with a value
- array_pop — Pop the element off the end of array
- array_product — Calculate the product of values in an array
- array_push — Push one or more elements onto the end of array
- array_rand — Pick one or more random entries out of an array
- array_reduce — Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function
- array_reverse — Return an array with elements in reverse order
- array_search — Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful
- array_shift — Shift an element off the beginning of array
- array_slice — Extract a slice of the array
- array_splice — Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else
- array_sum — Calculate the sum of values in an array
- array_udiff_assoc — Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check, compares data by a callback function
- array_udiff_uassoc — Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check, compares data and indexes by a callback function
- array_udiff — Computes the difference of arrays by using a callback function for data comparison
- array_uintersect_assoc — Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check, compares data by a callback function
- array_uintersect_uassoc — Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check, compares data and indexes by a callback functions
- array_uintersect — Computes the intersection of arrays, compares data by a callback function
- array_unique — Removes duplicate values from an array
- array_unshift — Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array
- array_values — Return all the values of an array
- array_walk_recursive — Apply a user function recursively to every member of an array
- array_walk — Apply a user function to every member of an array
- array — Create an array
- arsort — Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association
- asort — Sort an array and maintain index association
- compact — Create array containing variables and their values
- count — Count elements in an array, or properties in an object
- current — Return the current element in an array
- each — Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor
- end — Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element
- extract — Import variables into the current symbol table from an array
- in_array — Checks if a value exists in an array
- key — Fetch a key from an associative array
- krsort — Sort an array by key in reverse order
- ksort — Sort an array by key
- list — Assign variables as if they were an array
- natcasesort — Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm
- natsort — Sort an array using a "natural order" algorithm
- next — Advance the internal array pointer of an array
- pos — Alias of current
- prev — Rewind the internal array pointer
- range — Create an array containing a range of elements
- reset — Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element
- rsort — Sort an array in reverse order
- shuffle — Shuffle an array
- sizeof — Alias of count
- sort — Sort an array
- uasort — Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association
- uksort — Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function
- usort — Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function