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(PECL phar:1.0.0-1.2.1)

Phar::offsetUnset — remove a file from a phar


bool Phar::offsetUnset ( string $offset )

This is an implementation of the ArrayAccess interface allowing direct manipulation of the contents of a Phar archive using array access brackets. offsetUnset is used for deleting an existing file, and is called by the unset() language construct.

Liste de paramètres


The filename (relative path) to modify in a Phar.

Valeurs de retour

Cette fonction retourne TRUE en cas de succès, FALSE en cas d'échec.

Erreurs / Exceptions

if phar.readonly is 1, BadMethodCallException is thrown, as modifying a Phar is only allowed when phar.readonly is set to 0. Throws PharException if there are any problems flushing changes made to the Phar archive to disk.


Example#1 A Phar::offsetUnset() example

= new Phar('/path/to/my.phar'0'my.phar');
try {
// deletes file.txt from my.phar by calling offsetUnset
} catch (
Exception $e) {
'Could not delete file.txt: '$e;