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Direct IO Functions


PHP supports the direct io functions as described in the Posix Standard (Section 6) for performing I/O functions at a lower level than the C-Language stream I/O functions (fopen(), fread(),..). The use of the DIO functions should be considered only when direct control of a device is needed. In all other cases, the standard filesystem functions are more than adequate.

Note: This extension has been moved to the » PECL repository and is no longer bundled with PHP as of PHP 5.1.0.

This extension is only available on Windows Platforms as of PHP 5.0.0


אף ספריות חיצוניות דרושות לבניית תוספת זאת.


To get these functions to work, you have to configure PHP with --enable-dio.

קבועים מוגדרים מראש

הקבועים להלן מוגדרים ע"י תוספת זאת, ויהיו זמינים רק כאשר תוספת זאת או מוקמפלת לתוך PHP או טעונה באופן דינמי בזמן הרצה.

c (integer)

F_DUPFD (integer)

F_GETFD (integer)

F_GETFL (integer)

F_GETLK (integer)

F_GETOWN (integer)

F_RDLCK (integer)

F_SETFL (integer)

F_SETLK (integer)

F_SETLKW (integer)

F_SETOWN (integer)

F_UNLCK (integer)

F_WRLCK (integer)

O_APPEND (integer)

O_ASYNC (integer)

O_CREAT (integer)

O_EXCL (integer)

O_NDELAY (integer)

O_NOCTTY (integer)

O_NONBLOCK (integer)

O_RDONLY (integer)

O_RDWR (integer)

O_SYNC (integer)

O_TRUNC (integer)

O_WRONLY (integer)

S_IRGRP (integer)

S_IROTH (integer)

S_IRUSR (integer)

S_IRWXG (integer)

S_IRWXO (integer)

S_IRWXU (integer)

S_IWGRP (integer)

S_IWOTH (integer)

S_IWUSR (integer)

S_IXGRP (integer)

S_IXOTH (integer)

S_IXUSR (integer)

הגדרות הרצה

לתוספת זאת אין שום הנחיות הגדרה מוגדרות בתוך php.ini.

סוגי משאבים

One resource type is defined by this extension: a file descriptor returned by dio_open().

Table of Contents

  • dio_close — Closes the file descriptor given by fd
  • dio_fcntl — Performs a c library fcntl on fd
  • dio_open — Opens a new filename with specified permissions of flags and creation permissions of mode
  • dio_read — Reads bytes from a file descriptor
  • dio_seek — Seeks to pos on fd from whence
  • dio_stat — Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd
  • dio_tcsetattr — Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port
  • dio_truncate — Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes
  • dio_write — Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length