(No version information available, might be only in CVS)
bbcode_add_smiley — Adds a smiley to the parser
bool bbcode_add_smiley
( resource $bbcode_container
, string $smiley
, string $replace_by
Adds a smiley to the parser
- bbcode_container
BBCode_Container resource, returned by bbcode_create().
- smiley
The string that will be replaced when found.
- replace_by
The string that replace smiley when found.
성공할 경우 TRUE를, 실패할 경우 FALSE를 반환합니다.
Example#1 bbcode_add_smiley() usage example
* Prepare the rule set
''=> array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_ROOT,
'b'=> array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_NOARG,
'u'=> array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_NOARG,
'i'=> array('type'=>BBCODE_TYPE_NOARG,
* Parsed Text
[i] No parse Test [/i] :)
[b] Parsed, with smiley :( [/b]
[u] Parsed, with no smiley :D [/u]
* Init the parser
* Add Smiley rules to parser
bbcode_add_smiley($BBHandler, ":)", "<img src=\"smiley.gif\" alt=\":)\" />");
bbcode_add_smiley($BBHandler, ":(", "<img src=\"sad.gif\" alt=\":(\" />");
bbcode_add_smiley($BBHandler, ":D", "<img src=\"happy.gif\" alt=\":D\" />");
bbcode_add_smiley($BBHandler, ":p", "<img src=\"tong.gif\" alt=\":p\" />");
bbcode_add_smiley($BBHandler, ":|", "<img src=\"special.gif\" alt=\":|\" />");
bbcode_add_smiley($BBHandler, ":6:", "<img src=\"six.gif\" alt=\":6:\" />");
* Parse the text
echo bbcode_parse($BBHandler,$text);
위 예제의 출력:
[i] No parse Test [/i] <img src="smiley.gif" alt=":)" /> <b> Parsed, with smiley <img src="sad.gif" alt=":(" /> </b> <u> Parsed, with no smiley :D </u>