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Paradox File Access



이 확장 모듈은 실험적입니다. 이 확장 모듈의 작동 -- 함수의 이름과 이 확장 모듈에 대한 모든 문서 자료에 대해서 -- 은 이후의 PHP 릴리즈에서 예고 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. 이 확장 모듈의 사용은 사용자의 책임하에 이루어집니다.

This module allows to read and write Paradox databases, primary index files and blob files. Write support has been proven to be quite reliable, though due to lack of documentation the produced files may not in any case be readable by other applications. Encrypted databases can be read without specifying a password if pxlib >= 0.5.0 is used.

Note: This module is also in development and may change, though I don't expect major changes to the API.

요구 조건

You need at least PHP 5.0.0 and pxlib >= 0.4.4 for the basic set of functions. Some newer functions are only available with pxlib >= 0.6.0. Reading and writing of encrypted databases requires at least pxlib >= 0.5.0. The paradox library (pxlib) is available at »


PECL 확장 설치에 관한 정보는 매뉴얼의 PECL 확장 설치에 있습니다. 새 릴리즈, 내려받기, 소스파일, 개발자 정보, CHANGELOG 등의 추가 정보는 여기에 있습니다: »

Make sure you have pxlib installed before. If you install pxlib from an rpm or debian package, do not forget to install the development package as well.

실행시 설정

이 확장은 php.ini 설정이 존재하지 않습니다.

Object oriented API

The paradox extension provides also an object oriented API. It consists of only one class called paradox_db. Its methods only differ from the functions in its name and of course the missing first parameter. The following table will list all methods and its equivalent functions.

Methods of class paradox_db
Name of method Equivalent function
Constructor px_new()
Destructor px_delete()
open_fp() px_open_fp()
create_fp() px_create_fp()
close() px_close()
numrecords() px_numrecords()
numfields() px_numfields()
get_record() px_get_record()
put_record() px_put_record()
retrieve_record() px_retrieve_record()
delete_record() px_delete_record()
insert_record() px_insert_record()
update_record() px_update_record()
get_field() px_get_field()
get_schema() px_get_schema()
get_info() px_get_info()
set_parameter() px_set_parameter()
get_parameter() px_get_parameter()
set_value() px_set_value()
get_value() px_get_value()
get_info() px_get_info()
set_targetencoding() px_set_targetencoding()
set_tablename() px_set_tablename()
set_blob_file() px_set_blob_file()
date2string() px_date2string()
timestamp2string() px_timestamp2string()


px_new() creates a new Paradox object required by all Paradox functions.

예약 상수

이 확장은 다음의 상수들을 정의합니다. 이 확장을 PHP에 내장했거나, 실행시에 동적으로 읽어들일 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.

The following two tables lists all constants defined by the paradox extension.

Contants for field types
Name Meaning
PX_FIELD_ALPHA Character data with fixed length
PX_FIELD_DATE Date, number of days since 1.1.0000
PX_FIELD_SHORT Short integer (2 Bytes)
PX_FIELD_LONG Long integer (4 Bytes)
PX_FIELD_MEMOBLOB Binary large object
PX_FIELD_BLOB Binary large object (not supported)
PX_FIELD_FMTMEMOBLOB Binary large object
PX_FIELD_OLE OLE object (basically a blob, not supported)
PX_FIELD_GRAPHIC Graphic (basically a blob, not supported)
PX_FIELD_TIME time, number of milli seconds since midnight
PX_FIELD_TIMESTAMP timestamp, number of milli seconds since 1.1.0000
PX_FIELD_AUTOINC Auto incrementing interger (like PX_FIELD_LONG)
PX_FIELD_BCD Decimal number stored in bcd format (not supported)
PX_FIELD_BYTES Array of Bytes with not more than 255 bytes (not supported)
PX_KEYTOLOWER Turn all field names into lower case
PX_KEYTOUPPER Turn all field names into upper case
Contants for file types
Name Meaning
PX_FILE_INDEX_DB Indexed database
PX_FILE_PRIM_INDEX Primary index
PX_FILE_NON_INDEX_DB None indexed database
PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX None incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX Secondary index
PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX Incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX_G Non incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX_G Secondary index
PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX_G Non incremental secondary index

Table of Contents