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PostScript document creation


This module allows to create PostScript documents. It has many similarities with the pdf extension. Actually the API is almost identical and one can in many cases just replace the prefix of each function from pdf_ to ps_. This also works for functions which has no meaning in the PostScript document (like adding hyperlinks) but will have an effect if the document is converted to PDF.

Documents created by this extension are sometimes even superior to documents created with the pdf extension, because pslib's text rendering functions can handle kerning, hyphenation and ligatures which results in much better output of boxed text.

요구 조건

You need at least PHP 4.3.0 and pslib >= 0.1.12. The ps library (pslib) is available at »


A short installation note: just type

$ pecl install ps
in your console.

실행시 설정

이 확장은 php.ini 설정이 존재하지 않습니다.


This extension defines a PostScript document resource returned by ps_new().

예약 상수

이 확장은 다음의 상수들을 정의합니다. 이 확장을 PHP에 내장했거나, 실행시에 동적으로 읽어들일 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.

The following two tables lists all constants defined by the ps extension.

Contants for line caps
Name Meaning
Contants for line joins
Name Meaning

Contact Information

If you have comments, bugfixes, enhancements for either this extension or pslib then please drop me a mail » Any help is very welcome.

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