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WDDX Functions


These functions are intended for work with » WDDX.

요구 조건

In order to use WDDX, you will need to install the expat library (which comes with Apache 1.3.7 or higher).


After installing expat compile PHP with --enable-wddx.

PHP 윈도우 버전에서는 이 확장에 대한 지원이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 함수들을 이용하기 위해서 추가로 확장을 읽어들일 필요가 없습니다.

실행시 설정

이 확장은 php.ini 설정이 존재하지 않습니다.


This extension defines a WDDX packet identifier returned by wddx_packet_start().

예약 상수

이 확장은 상수를 정의하지 않습니다.


All the functions that serialize variables use the first element of an array to determine whether the array is to be serialized into an array or structure. If the first element has string key, then it is serialized into a structure, otherwise, into an array.

Example#1 Serializing a single value with WDDX

echo wddx_serialize_value("PHP to WDDX packet example""PHP packet");

This example will produce:

<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header comment='PHP packet'/><data>
<string>PHP to WDDX packet example</string></data></wddxPacket>

Example#2 Using incremental packets with WDDX

$packet_id wddx_packet_start("PHP");

/* Suppose $cities came from database */
$cities = array("Austin""Novato""Seattle");

$packet wddx_packet_end($packet_id);

This example will produce:

<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header comment='PHP'/><data><struct>
<var name='pi'><number>3.1415926</number></var><var name='cities'>
<array length='3'><string>Austin</string><string>Novato</string>

Note: If you want to serialize non-ASCII characters you have to convert your data to UTF-8 first (see utf8_encode() and iconv()).

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