ClibPDF Functions [deprecated]
ClibPDF support is deprecated and users are strongly encouraged to use an alternative, like Haru, PDFlib, or one of the available PHP alternatives.
ClibPDF lets you create PDF documents with PHP. ClibPDF functionality and API are similar to PDFlib. This documentation should be read alongside the ClibPDF manual since it explains the library in much greater detail.
Many functions in the native ClibPDF and the PHP module, as well as in PDFlib, have the same name. All functions except for cpdf_open() take the handle for the document as their first parameter.
Currently this handle is not used internally since ClibPDF does not support the creation of several PDF documents at the same time. Actually, you should not even try it, the results are unpredictable. I can't oversee what the consequences in a multi threaded environment are. According to the author of ClibPDF this will change in one of the next releases (current version when this was written is 1.10). If you need this functionality use the pdflib module.
A nice feature of ClibPDF (and PDFlib) is the ability to create the pdf document completely in memory without using temporary files. It also provides the ability to pass coordinates in a predefined unit length. (This feature can also be simulated by pdf_translate() when using the PDFlib functions.)
Another nice feature of ClibPDF is the fact that any page can be modified at any time even if a new page has been already opened. The function cpdf_set_current_page() allows to leave the current page and presume modifying an other page.
Most of the functions are fairly easy to use. The most difficult part is probably creating a very simple PDF document at all. The following example should help you to get started. It creates a document with one page. The page contains the text "Times-Roman" in an outlined 30pt font. The text is underlined.
Notă: Această extensie a fost transferată în repozitoriul » PECL ÅŸi nu mai este furnizată împreună cu PHP începând cu versiunea 5.1.0.
Notă: If you're interested in alternative free PDF generators that do not utilize external PDF libraries, see this related FAQ.
In order to use the ClibPDF functions you need to install the ClibPDF package. It is available for download from » FastIO, but requires that you purchase a license for commercial use. PHP requires that you use cpdflib >= 2. The development of ClibPDF library has been discontinued thus FastIO website would be most probably inaccessible.
To get these functions to work, you have to compile PHP with --with-cpdflib[=DIR]. DIR is the cpdflib install directory, defaults to /usr. In addition you can specify the jpeg library and the tiff library for ClibPDF to use. To do so add to your configure line the options --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR] --with-tiff-dir[=DIR].
Configuraţia la rulare
Această extensie nu are directive de configurare definite în php.ini.
Constante predefinite
Constantele de mai jos sunt definite de această extensie şi vor fi disponibile doar dacă această extensie a fost compilată în interiorul PHP, sau a fost încărcată dinamic în timpul rulării.
Example#1 Simple ClibPDF Example
$cpdf = cpdf_open(0);
cpdf_page_init($cpdf, 1, 0, 595, 842, 1.0);
cpdf_add_outline($cpdf, 0, 0, 0, 1, "Page 1");
cpdf_set_font($cpdf, "Times-Roman", 30, "WinAnsiEncoding");
cpdf_set_text_rendering($cpdf, 1);
cpdf_text($cpdf, "Times Roman outlined", 50, 50);
cpdf_moveto($cpdf, 50, 50);
cpdf_lineto($cpdf, 740, 330);
cpdf_finalize_page($cpdf, 1);
Header("Content-type: application/pdf");
The pdflib distribution contains a more complex example which creates a series of pages with an analog clock. Here is that example converted into PHP using the ClibPDF extension:
Example#2 pdfclock example from pdflib 2.0 distribution
$radius = 200;
$margin = 20;
$pagecount = 40;
$pdf = cpdf_open(0);
cpdf_set_creator($pdf, "pdf_clock.php");
cpdf_set_title($pdf, "Analog Clock");
while ($pagecount-- > 0) {
cpdf_page_init($pdf, $pagecount+1, 0, 2 * ($radius + $margin), 2 * ($radius + $margin), 1.0);
cpdf_set_page_animation($pdf, 4, 0.5, 0, 0, 0); /* wipe */
cpdf_translate($pdf, $radius + $margin, $radius + $margin);
cpdf_setrgbcolor($pdf, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/* minute strokes */
cpdf_setlinewidth($pdf, 2.0);
for ($alpha = 0; $alpha < 360; $alpha += 6) {
cpdf_rotate($pdf, 6.0);
cpdf_moveto($pdf, $radius, 0.0);
cpdf_lineto($pdf, $radius-$margin/3, 0.0);
/* 5 minute strokes */
cpdf_setlinewidth($pdf, 3.0);
for ($alpha = 0; $alpha < 360; $alpha += 30) {
cpdf_rotate($pdf, 30.0);
cpdf_moveto($pdf, $radius, 0.0);
cpdf_lineto($pdf, $radius-$margin, 0.0);
$ltime = getdate();
/* draw hour hand */
cpdf_rotate($pdf, -(($ltime['minutes']/60.0) + $ltime['hours'] - 3.0) * 30.0);
cpdf_moveto($pdf, -$radius/10, -$radius/20);
cpdf_lineto($pdf, $radius/2, 0.0);
cpdf_lineto($pdf, -$radius/10, $radius/20);
/* draw minute hand */
cpdf_rotate($pdf, -(($ltime['seconds']/60.0) + $ltime['minutes'] - 15.0) * 6.0);
cpdf_moveto($pdf, -$radius/10, -$radius/20);
cpdf_lineto($pdf, $radius * 0.8, 0.0);
cpdf_lineto($pdf, -$radius/10, $radius/20);
/* draw second hand */
cpdf_setrgbcolor($pdf, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
cpdf_setlinewidth($pdf, 2);
cpdf_rotate($pdf, -(($ltime['seconds'] - 15.0) * 6.0));
cpdf_moveto($pdf, -$radius/5, 0.0);
cpdf_lineto($pdf, $radius, 0.0);
/* draw little circle at center */
cpdf_circle($pdf, 0, 0, $radius/30);
cpdf_finalize_page($pdf, $pagecount+1);
Header("Content-type: application/pdf");
Vedeţi de asemenea
See also the PDFlib extension documentation.
- cpdf_add_annotation — Adds annotation
- cpdf_add_outline — Adds bookmark for current page
- cpdf_arc — Draws an arc
- cpdf_begin_text — Starts text section
- cpdf_circle — Draw a circle
- cpdf_clip — Clips to current path
- cpdf_close — Closes the pdf document
- cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke — Close, fill and stroke current path
- cpdf_closepath_stroke — Close path and draw line along path
- cpdf_closepath — Close path
- cpdf_continue_text — Output text in next line
- cpdf_curveto — Draws a curve
- cpdf_end_text — Ends text section
- cpdf_fill_stroke — Fill and stroke current path
- cpdf_fill — Fill current path
- cpdf_finalize_page — Ends page
- cpdf_finalize — Ends document
- cpdf_global_set_document_limits — Sets document limits for any pdf document
- cpdf_import_jpeg — Opens a JPEG image
- cpdf_lineto — Draws a line
- cpdf_moveto — Sets current point
- cpdf_newpath — Starts a new path
- cpdf_open — Opens a new pdf document
- cpdf_output_buffer — Outputs the pdf document in memory buffer
- cpdf_page_init — Starts new page
- cpdf_place_inline_image — Places an image on the page
- cpdf_rect — Draw a rectangle
- cpdf_restore — Restores formerly saved environment
- cpdf_rlineto — Draws a line
- cpdf_rmoveto — Sets current point
- cpdf_rotate_text — Sets text rotation angle
- cpdf_rotate — Sets rotation
- cpdf_save_to_file — Writes the pdf document into a file
- cpdf_save — Saves current environment
- cpdf_scale — Sets scaling
- cpdf_set_action_url — Sets hyperlink
- cpdf_set_char_spacing — Sets character spacing
- cpdf_set_creator — Sets the creator field in the pdf document
- cpdf_set_current_page — Sets current page
- cpdf_set_font_directories — Sets directories to search when using external fonts
- cpdf_set_font_map_file — Sets fontname to filename translation map when using external fonts
- cpdf_set_font — Select the current font face and size
- cpdf_set_horiz_scaling — Sets horizontal scaling of text
- cpdf_set_keywords — Sets the keywords field of the pdf document
- cpdf_set_leading — Sets distance between text lines
- cpdf_set_page_animation — Sets duration between pages
- cpdf_set_subject — Sets the subject field of the pdf document
- cpdf_set_text_matrix — Sets the text matrix
- cpdf_set_text_pos — Sets text position
- cpdf_set_text_rendering — Determines how text is rendered
- cpdf_set_text_rise — Sets the text rise
- cpdf_set_title — Sets the title field of the pdf document
- cpdf_set_viewer_preferences — How to show the document in the viewer
- cpdf_set_word_spacing — Sets spacing between words
- cpdf_setdash — Sets dash pattern
- cpdf_setflat — Sets flatness
- cpdf_setgray_fill — Sets filling color to gray value
- cpdf_setgray_stroke — Sets drawing color to gray value
- cpdf_setgray — Sets drawing and filling color to gray value
- cpdf_setlinecap — Sets linecap parameter
- cpdf_setlinejoin — Sets linejoin parameter
- cpdf_setlinewidth — Sets line width
- cpdf_setmiterlimit — Sets miter limit
- cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill — Sets filling color to rgb color value
- cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke — Sets drawing color to rgb color value
- cpdf_setrgbcolor — Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value
- cpdf_show_xy — Output text at position
- cpdf_show — Output text at current position
- cpdf_stringwidth — Returns width of text in current font
- cpdf_stroke — Draw line along path
- cpdf_text — Output text with parameters
- cpdf_translate — Sets origin of coordinate system