IMAP, POP3 ºi NNTP - funcþii
Pentru ca aceste funcþii sã poatã fi folosite, trebuie sã compilaþi PHP cu directiva --with-imap. Este nevoie sã fie instalatã biblioteca c-client. Descãrcaþi ultima versiune de la » ºi compilaþi-o. Apoi copiaþi fiºierul c-client/c-client.a în /usr/local/lib/libc-client.a ºi copiaþi c-client/rfc822.h, mail.h ºi linkage.h în /usr/local/include sau în alt director din calea cãtre fiºiere incluse.
De notat cã aceste funcþii, in ciuda numelor pe care le au, nu sunt limitate doar la protocolul IMAP. Biblioteca c-client folositã de ele suportã, de asemenea, metode pentru acces NNTP, POP3 ºi la o cãsuþã poºtalã localã.
Acest document nu îºi propune sã intre în detalii pentru toate subiectele atinse de aceste funcþii. Mai multe informaþii puteþi citi în documentaþia surselor bibliotecii c-client (docs/internal.txt) precum ºi în urmãtoarele documente RFC:
- » RFC2821: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
- » RFC2822: Standard for ARPA internet text messages.
- » RFC2060: Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Version 4rev1.
- » RFC1939: Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3).
- » RFC977: Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).
- » RFC2076: Common Internet Message Headers.
- » RFC2045, » RFC2046, » RFC2047, » RFC2048 ºi » RFC2049: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).
- imap_8bit — Converteºte un ºir de caractere pe 8 biþi într-un ºir de caractere tipãribil
- imap_alerts — Aceastã funcþie returneazã toate mesajele de avertizare (dacã existã) care au apãrut pe parcursul cererii paginii curente, sau din momentul în care stiva de mesaje a fost resetatã
- imap_append — Append a string message to a specified mailbox
- imap_base64 — Decode BASE64 encoded text
- imap_binary — Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string
- imap_body — Read the message body
- imap_bodystruct — Read the structure of a specified body section of a specific message
- imap_check — Check current mailbox
- imap_clearflag_full — Clears flags on messages
- imap_close — Close an IMAP stream
- imap_createmailbox — Create a new mailbox
- imap_delete — Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox
- imap_deletemailbox — Delete a mailbox
- imap_errors — Returns all of the IMAP errors that have occured
- imap_expunge — Delete all messages marked for deletion
- imap_fetch_overview — Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message
- imap_fetchbody — Fetch a particular section of the body of the message
- imap_fetchheader — Returns header for a message
- imap_fetchstructure — Read the structure of a particular message
- imap_get_quota — Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox
- imap_get_quotaroot — Retrieve the quota settings per user
- imap_getacl — Gets the ACL for a given mailbox
- imap_getmailboxes — Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one
- imap_getsubscribed — List all the subscribed mailboxes
- imap_header — Pseudonim pentru imap_headerinfo
- imap_headerinfo — Read the header of the message
- imap_headers — Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox
- imap_last_error — Gets the last IMAP error that occurred during this page request
- imap_list — Read the list of mailboxes
- imap_listmailbox — Pseudonim pentru imap_list
- imap_listscan — Returns the list of mailboxes that matches the given text
- imap_listsubscribed — Pseudonim pentru imap_lsub
- imap_lsub — List all the subscribed mailboxes
- imap_mail_compose — Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections
- imap_mail_copy — Copy specified messages to a mailbox
- imap_mail_move — Move specified messages to a mailbox
- imap_mail — Send an email message
- imap_mailboxmsginfo — Get information about the current mailbox
- imap_mime_header_decode — Decode MIME header elements
- imap_msgno — Gets the message sequence number for the given UID
- imap_num_msg — Gets the number of messages in the current mailbox
- imap_num_recent — Gets the number of recent messages in current mailbox
- imap_open — Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox
- imap_ping — Check if the IMAP stream is still active
- imap_qprint — Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string
- imap_renamemailbox — Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox
- imap_reopen — Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox
- imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist — Parses an address string
- imap_rfc822_parse_headers — Parse mail headers from a string
- imap_rfc822_write_address — Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info
- imap_savebody — Save a specific body section to a file
- imap_scanmailbox — Pseudonim pentru imap_listscan
- imap_search — This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria
- imap_set_quota — Sets a quota for a given mailbox
- imap_setacl — Sets the ACL for a giving mailbox
- imap_setflag_full — Sets flags on messages
- imap_sort — Gets and sort messages
- imap_status — Returns status information on a mailbox
- imap_subscribe — Subscribe to a mailbox
- imap_thread — Returns a tree of threaded message
- imap_timeout — Set or fetch imap timeout
- imap_uid — This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number
- imap_undelete — Unmark the message which is marked deleted
- imap_unsubscribe — Unsubscribe from a mailbox
- imap_utf7_decode — Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string
- imap_utf7_encode — Converts ISO-8859-1 string to modified UTF-7 text
- imap_utf8 — Converts MIME-encoded text to UTF-8