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Miscellaneous Functions


These functions were placed here because none of the other categories seemed to fit.


Nu sunt necesare biblioteci externe pentru a asambla această extensie.


Nu este necesar de a instala ceva suplimentar pentru a utiliza aceste funcţii; ele fac parte din nucleul PHP.

Configuraţia la rulare

Comportamentul acestor funcţii este afectat de parametrii stabiliţi în php.ini.

Misc. Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
ignore_user_abort "0" PHP_INI_ALL  
highlight.string "#DD0000" PHP_INI_ALL  
highlight.comment "#FF8000" PHP_INI_ALL  
highlight.keyword "#007700" PHP_INI_ALL "#FFFFFF" PHP_INI_ALL Removed in PHP 6.0.0.
highlight.default "#0000BB" PHP_INI_ALL  
highlight.html "#000000" PHP_INI_ALL  
Pentru mai multe detalii şi definiţii ale constantelor PHP_INI_* accesaţi php.ini directives.

Iată o explicaţie pe scurt a directivelor de configurare.

ignore_user_abort boolean

FALSE by default. If changed to TRUE scripts will not be terminated after a client has aborted their connection.

See also ignore_user_abort(). string highlight.comment string highlight.default string highlight.html string highlight.keyword string highlight.string string

Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode. Anything that's acceptable in <font color="??????"> would work.

browscap browscap string

Name (e.g.: browscap.ini) and location of browser capabilities file. See also get_browser().

Tipurile resurselor

Această extensie nu are tipuri de resurse definite.

Constante predefinite

Constantele de mai jos sunt definite de această extensie şi vor fi disponibile doar dacă această extensie a fost compilată în interiorul PHP, sau a fost încărcată dinamic în timpul rulării.

Added in PHP 5.1.


  • connection_aborted — Check whether client disconnected
  • connection_status — Returns connection status bitfield
  • connection_timeout — Check if the script timed out
  • constant — Returns the value of a constant
  • define — Defines a named constant
  • defined — Checks whether a given named constant exists
  • die — Equivalent to exit
  • eval — Evaluate a string as PHP code
  • exit — Output a message and terminate the current script
  • get_browser — Tells what the user's browser is capable of
  • __halt_compiler — Halts the compiler execution
  • highlight_file — Syntax highlighting of a file
  • highlight_string — Syntax highlighting of a string
  • ignore_user_abort — Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution
  • pack — Pack data into binary string
  • php_check_syntax — Check the PHP syntax of (and execute) the specified file
  • php_strip_whitespace — Return source with stripped comments and whitespace
  • show_source — Pseudonim pentru highlight_file
  • sleep — Delay execution
  • sys_getloadavg — Gets system load average
  • time_nanosleep — Delay for a number of seconds and nanoseconds
  • time_sleep_until — Make the script sleep until the specified time
  • uniqid — Generate a unique ID
  • unpack — Unpack data from binary string
  • usleep — Delay execution in microseconds