Shared Memory Functions
Shmop is an easy to use set of functions that allows PHP to read, write, create and delete Unix shared memory segments.
Notă: Versions of Windows previous to Windows 2000 do not support shared memory. Under Windows, Shmop will only work when PHP is running as a web server module, such as Apache or IIS (CLI and CGI will not work).
Notă: In PHP 4.0.3, these functions were prefixed by shm rather than shmop.
Nu sunt necesare biblioteci externe pentru a asambla această extensie.
To use shmop you will need to compile PHP with the --enable-shmop parameter in your configure line.
Configuraţia la rulare
Această extensie nu are directive de configurare definite în php.ini.
Tipurile resurselor
Constante predefinite
Această extensie nu are constante definite.
Example#1 Shared Memory Operations Overview
// Create 100 byte shared memory block with system id of 0xff3
$shm_id = shmop_open(0xff3, "c", 0644, 100);
if (!$shm_id) {
echo "Couldn't create shared memory segment\n";
// Get shared memory block's size
$shm_size = shmop_size($shm_id);
echo "SHM Block Size: " . $shm_size . " has been created.\n";
// Lets write a test string into shared memory
$shm_bytes_written = shmop_write($shm_id, "my shared memory block", 0);
if ($shm_bytes_written != strlen("my shared memory block")) {
echo "Couldn't write the entire length of data\n";
// Now lets read the string back
$my_string = shmop_read($shm_id, 0, $shm_size);
if (!$my_string) {
echo "Couldn't read from shared memory block\n"$my_string ) {
echo "Couldn't read from shared memory block\n";
echo "The data inside shared memory was: " . $my_string . "\n";
//Now lets delete the block and close the shared memory segment
if (!shmop_delete($shm_id)) {
echo "Couldn't mark shared memory block for deletion.";
- shmop_close — Close shared memory block
- shmop_delete — Delete shared memory block
- shmop_open — Create or open shared memory block
- shmop_read — Read data from shared memory block
- shmop_size — Get size of shared memory block
- shmop_write — Write data into shared memory block