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(PHP 4, PHP 5)

shm_attach — Creates or open a shared memory segment


int shm_attach ( int $key [, int $memsize [, int $perm ]] )

shm_attach() returns an id that can be used to access the System V shared memory with the given key , the first call creates the shared memory segment with memsize and the optional perm-bits perm .

A second call to shm_attach() for the same key will return a different shared memory identifier, but both identifiers access the same underlying shared memory. memsize and perm will be ignored.

Список параметров



The memory size. If not provided, default to the sysvshm.init_mem in the php.ini, otherwise 10000 bytes.


The optional permission bits. Default to 0666.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns a shared memory segment identifier.

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