(PECL paradox:1.4.0-1.4.1)
px_timestamp2string — Converts the timestamp into a string.
Turns a timestamp as it stored in the paradox file into human readable format. Paradox timestamps are the number of milliseconds since 1.1.0000. This function is just for convenience. It can be easily replaced by some math and the calendar functions as demonstrated in the following example.
- pxdoc
Resource identifier of the paradox database.
- value
Value as stored in paradox database field of type PX_FIELD_TIME, or PX_FIELD_TIMESTAMP.
- format
String format similar to the format used by date(). The placeholders support by this function is a subset of those supported by date() (Y, y, m, n, d, j, H, h, G, g, i, s, A, a, L).
Return Values
Returnerar TRUE vid framgång eller FALSE vid fel.
Example#1 Turn a paradox timestamp into a human readable form
$px = px_new();
/* make up a date as it could be stored in */
/* a date field of a paradox db. */
/* 700000 days since 1.1.0000. */
$days = 700000;
/* Use the calendar functions to print a */
/* human readable format of the date */
echo jdtogregorian($days+1721425)."\n";
/* Turn it into a timestamp as it stored in a paradox database */
/* Timestamps are stored in milli seconds since 1.1.0000 */
$stamp = $days * 86400.0 * 1000.0;
/* Add one hour */
$stamp += 3600000.0;
/* The following will output '7/15/1917 01:00:00'. */
echo px_timestamp2string($px, $stamp, "n/d/Y H:i:s")."\n";
The above example will output:
7/15/1917 7/15/1917 01:00:00
The Julian day count as passed to jdtogregorian() has a different base of 1.1.4714 b.c. and must therefore be calculated by adding 1721425 to the day count used in the paradox file. Turning the day count into a timestamp is easily done by multiplying with 86400000.0 to obtain milli seconds.