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string path();

Obtains the full path to the widget. The path is simply the name of a widget and all its parents in the container hierarchy, separated by periods. The name of a widget comes from get_name() . Paths are used to apply styles to a widget in gtkrc configuration files. Widget names are the type of the widget by default (e.g. "GtkButton") or can be set to an application-specific value with set_name() . By setting the name of a widget, you allow users or theme authors to apply styles to that specific widget in their gtkrc file.

Example 150. Getting a widget's path

//Create our widgets
$wnd   = new GtkWindow();
$box   = new GtkVBox();
$frame = new GtkFrame('Frame');
$btn   = new GtkButton('Button');

//Pack them into each other
$wnd  ->add($box);
$box  ->add($frame);

//Give some a custom name
$wnd->set_name('My window');
$btn->set_name('demo button');

//And now echo the class path of the button,
// and the normal path
echo 'class_path: "' . $btn->class_path() . "\"\n";
echo 'path:       "' . $btn->path() . "\"\n";

/* Returns:
class_path: "GtkWindow.GtkVBox.GtkFrame.GtkButton"
path:       "My window.GtkVBox.GtkFrame.demo button"

See also: path()