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YAZ Functions


This extension offers a PHP interface to the YAZ toolkit that implements the » Z39.50 Protocol for Information Retrieval. With this extension you can easily implement a Z39.50 origin (client) that searches or scans Z39.50 targets (servers) in parallel.

The module hides most of the complexity of Z39.50 so it should be fairly easy to use. It supports persistent stateless connections very similar to those offered by the various RDB APIs that are available for PHP. This means that sessions are stateless but shared among users, thus saving the connect and initialize phase steps in most cases.

YAZ is available at » You can find news information, example scripts, etc. for this extension at »

Note: 本擴充功能已被移動到 » PECL 函式庫中且自以下版本起不再被包含到 PHP 中:5.0.0.


Obtain YAZ (ANSI/NISO Z39.50 support) and install it. YAZ can be fetched in source or in various prebuilt packages from the » YAZ archive. Systems such as Debian GNU/Linux, Suse Linux, FreeBSD also has YAZ as part of their distribution.

For the PHP 4 series, the YAZ extension is bundled (but not YAZ itself) Build PHP with your favorite modules and add option --with-yaz[=DIR].

Example#1 YAZ compilation for PHP 4 on Unix

gunzip -c php-4.4.X.tar.gz|tar xf -
gunzip -c yaz-2.1.8.tar.gz|tar xf -
cd yaz-2.1.8
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ../php-4.4.X.
./configure --with-yaz=/usr/bin
sudo make install

For PHP 5, the YAZ extension is in » PECL and is installed as a shared object/dll. If you have pear installed the easiest way to download, configure and install the YAZ extension is by using the pecl command.

Installation of YAZ on Linux

安裝此 PECL 擴充功能的訊息可在手冊中標題為 PECL 擴充功能安裝的一章中找到。 更多訊息如新版本,下載,原始文件,維護者訊息以及更新日誌等可以在這裡找到: »

Installation on Windows systems

可以從 » PHP 下載頁面或者 » 下載此 PECL 擴充功能的 DLL 文件。 php_yaz.dll depends on yaz.dll. The yaz.dll is part of the Win32 ZIP from the PHP site. It is also part of the Windows YAZ install available from the » YAZ WIN32 area.


The PHP 5.0.5 Win32 zip includes a too old version of yaz.dll (version 1.9.1 < required version 2.0.13). If that's the case use the yaz.dll from a newer » YAZ WIN32 install.

On windows, don't forget to add the PHP directory to the PATH, so that the yaz.dll file can be found by the system.

If you are using YAZ as a shared extension, add (or uncomment) the following line in php.ini on Unix:
And for Windows:


IMAPrecodeYAZCyrus 擴充功不能同時使用,因為它們共享了相同的內部符號。

Note: The above problem is solved in version 2.0 of YAZ.


這些函式的行為受 php.ini 的影響。

YAZ configuration options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
yaz.max_links "100" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0. Removed in PHP 5.0.0.
yaz.log_file NULL PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0. Removed in PHP 5.0.0.
有關 PHP_INI_* 常數進一步的細節與定義參見php.ini directives






PHP/YAZ keeps track of connections with targets (Z-Associations). A resource represents a connection to a target.

The script below demonstrates the parallel searching feature of the API. When invoked with no arguments it prints a query form; else (arguments are supplied) it searches the targets as given in array host.

Example#2 Parallel searching using Yaz

$num_hosts count($host);
if (empty(
$query) || count($host) == 0) {
'<form method="get">
    <input type="checkbox"
    name="host[]" value="" />
        GILS test
    <input type="checkbox"
    name="host[]" value="localhost:9999/Default" />
        local test
    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked"
    name="host[]" value="" />
        Library of Congress
    <br />
    RPN Query:
    <input type="text" size="30" name="query" />
    <input type="submit" name="action" value="Search" />
} else {
'You searched for ' htmlspecialchars($query) . '<br />';
    for (
$i 0$i $num_hosts$i++) {
$id[] = yaz_connect($host[$i]);
yaz_syntax($id[$i], "usmarc");
yaz_range($id[$i], 110);
yaz_search($id[$i], "rpn"$query);
    for (
$i 0$i $num_hosts$i++) {
'<hr />' $host[$i] . ':';
$error yaz_error($id[$i]);
        if (!empty(
$error)) {
"Error: $error";
        } else {
$hits yaz_hits($id[$i]);
"Result Count $hits";
        for (
$p 1$p <= 10$p++) {
$rec yaz_record($id[$i], $p"string");
            if (empty(
$rec)) continue;

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