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A container that controls the alignment and size of it's child.

Йерархия на обектите

`-- GtkObject
       `-- GtkWidget
              `-- GtkContainer
                     `-- GtkBin
                            `-- GtkAlignment


The GtkAlignment container controls the alignment and size of it's child, relative to it's own dimensions. However, if the child has a size request from it's own child/children, it will take precedence. For example, a GtkButton with a label will never be scaled down to a size smaller than that of the label.

It can be used to define the relative alignment of the child within the container, through the xalign and yalign parameters. Both can vary between 0 and 1, meaning left/top and right/bottom, respectively. This is very useful, for instance in left- or right-aligning GtkLabels.

Another use for GtkAlignment (through xscale and yscale), is to indicate the ammount of extra free space in the container the child should be extended to occupy. Note that this isn't the same as total size of the child widget.

GtkAlignment also provides methods to specifically set (and retrieve the current) top, bottom, right and left padding of the widget.


GtkAlignment ([double xalign = 0.5 [, double yalign = 0.5 [, double xscale = 1.0 [, double yscale = 1.0]]]]);

-- Creates a container that controls the alignment and size of it's child.


  Gets the padding on the different sides of the widget.
  Sets new values for GtkAlignment.
  Sets the padding on the different sides of the widget.