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GtkColorSelectionDialog Конструктор

GtkColorSelectionDialog ([string title = null]);

Use the constructor to create a new GtkColorSelectionDialog.

Пример 46. Customized GtkColorSelectionDialog

//Create the color selection dialog
$dlgColorsel = new GtkColorSelectionDialog('GtkColorSelectionDialog demo');
//Quit Gtk loop when destroying the dialog
$dlgColorsel->connect_simple('destroy', array('gtk', 'main_quit'));

//Let the Cancel button quit the program
    array($dlgColorsel, 'destroy')

//The OK button shows the current color
$dlgColorsel->ok_button->set_label('Show color');
$dlgColorsel->ok_button->connect('clicked', 'showColor');

//The callback function when the OK button is clicked
function showColor($button)
    $dlgColorsel = $button->get_toplevel();
    $color       = $dlgColorsel->colorsel->get_current_color();
    //The GdkColor has 48 bit depth (each R, B and G 16 bit). As
    //we just want 8 bit, we shift the values by 8 bit
    $strColor    = 'RGB: ' . ($color->red >> 8) . ' '
                 . ($color->green >> 8) . ' ' . ($color->blue >> 8);
    $msg = new GtkMessageDialog(
}//function showColor($button)

//The help button shall be hidden

//show the dialog
//start the main loop