A single line text entry field.
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GtkEntry is a single line text entry widget. It is generally used when input is required from the user. A fairly large set of key bindings are supported by default and have the potential to be edited by the user. If the entered text is longer than the allocation of the widget, the widget will scroll so that the cursor position is visible.
GtkEntry ([ string text [, int max ]]);-- Creates a single line text entry widget.
append_text() ОТХВЪРЛЕН. Appends text to the current text of the widget. get_activates_default() Returns whether or not the entry activates the default widget for the window. get_alignment() Returns the alignment value of the entry. get_completion() Returns the completion object currently used. get_has_frame() If the entry has a beveled border. get_layout() Returns the PangoLayout used to display the text. get_layout_offsets() Returns the position get_max_length() Retrieves the maximum allowed length of text. get_text() Retrieves the contents of the GtkEntry widget. get_visibility() If the text is visible or hidden by stars. get_width_chars() Returns the number of chars to request space for. prepend_text() ОТХВЪРЛЕН Prepends the given text to the contents of the widget. set_activates_default() Sets if pressing Enter activates the default widget. set_alignment() Sets the alignment for the contents. set_completion() Sets the entry completion. set_has_frame() Sets whether the entry has a beveled frame around it. set_max_length() Set the maximum length for the contents. set_text() Sets the text. set_visibility() Sets if the text or an asterik * is shown. set_width_chars() Sets the size of the entry in chars.
Използвай методите get_property и set_property, за да получиш достъп до това.
activates-default: Whether to activate the default widget when Enter is pressed. cursor-position: The current position of the insertion cursor in chars. editable: Whether the entry contents can be edited. has-frame: Outside bevel from entry. invisible-char: The character to use when masking entry contents. max-length: Maximum number of characters for this entry. scroll-offset: Number of pixels of the entry scrolled off the screen to the left. selection-bound: Position of the opposite end of the selection cursor. text: The contents of the entry. visibility: If the text is shown or just asteriks *. width-chars: Number of characters to leave space for in the entry. xalign: The horizontal alignment, from 0 to 1.
"activate" The widget is activated. "backspace" The Backspace key is pressed. "copy-clipboard" The selection is copied to the clipboad. "cut-clipboard" The selection is cut into the clipboad. "delete-from-cursor" Some text is deleted from the entry. "insert-at-cursor" Text is inserted. "move-cursor" The caret is moved. "paste-clipboard" Text is pasted from the clipboard. "populate-popup" The context menu needs to be populated. "toggle-overwrite" Toggles the internal overwrite_mode attribute.