GtkFileSelection Конструктор
GtkFileSelection ([string title = null]);
Use the constructor to create a prompt for the user to select a file or directory. By default, a GtkTreeView of the application's current working directory and its file listing will be displayed. Operation buttons and the drop-down history of directories are also visible.
Пример 64. An example for a GtkFileSelection prompt.
<?php //Creating and initialising the file selection prompt $filePrompt = new GtkFileSelection('GtkFileSelection Demo'); $filePrompt->connect_simple( 'destroy', array('Gtk', 'main_quit') ); //Adding a quit button that destroys the prompt $filePrompt->cancel_button->set_label('Quit'); $filePrompt->cancel_button->connect_simple( 'clicked', array($filePrompt, 'destroy') ); //Add an OK button that displays the file selected on click $filePrompt->ok_button->set_label('Show the file'); $filePrompt->ok_button->connect('clicked', 'showFile'); //Callback function that displays the file name function showFile($okbutton) { $filePrompt = $okbutton->get_toplevel(); $fileName = $filePrompt->get_filename(); $message = new GtkMessageDialog( null, 0, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, 'You selected: ' . $fileName ); $message->run(); $message->destroy(); } //Show the prompt and start the main loop $filePrompt->show(); Gtk::main(); ?> |