A collection of a set of variants for a particular icon.
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An icon factory helps you to manage a collection of GtkIconSets; and a GtkIconSet manages a set of variants for a particular icon, that is, variants for different sizes and widget states. Icons in an icon factory are named by a Stock ID, which a simple string identifying the icon.
Each GtkStyle has a list of GtkIconFactorys derived from the current theme; those icon factories are consulted first when searching for an icon. If the theme doesn't set a particular icon, PHP-GTK 2 looks for it in a list of default icon factories, which are maintained by add_default() and remove_default() .
Applications with icons must add a default icon factory to their icons, which will allow themes to override the icons for the application.
GtkIconFactory ();-- Creates a new GtkIconFactory to manage icon sets.
add() Adds a new GtkIconSet to the icon factory. add_default() Adds the icon factory to list of default factories. lookup() Searches for a GtkIconSet in current icon factory. lookup_default() Searches for a GtkIconSet in default icon factories. remove_default() Removes an icon factory from the list of default factories.