GtkLabel Конструктор
GtkLabel ([string string = null [, boolean parse_mnemonic = false]]);
Creates a new label with an (optional) text. If you set the parse_mnemonic to true, the label will set the mnemonic key to the first letter right to the first underscore _.
Пример 74. Creating a GtkLabel
<?php function rotate($label) { $label->set_label( $label->get_angle() . ' label text - this <b>is</b> a' . '<span foreground="#F00">very long label</span>' . 'so we can see <span background="green" size="larger"' . ' weight="bold">rotation</span> better' ); $label->set_angle($label->get_angle() + 1); return true; } $wnd = new GtkWindow(); $wnd->set_default_size(500,500); $wnd->set_title('GtkLabel::set_angle'); $wnd->connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk', 'main_quit')); $label = new GtkLabel('t_est', true); $label->set_use_markup(true); $wnd->add($label); $wnd->show_all(); Gtk::timeout_add(50, 'rotate', $label); Gtk::main(); ?> |