A base class for widgets that visualize an adjustment.
Йерархия на обектите
Директни подкласове
A base class for widgets that visualize an adjustment. It provides the base functionality for GtkScrollbar and GtkScale.
get_adjustment() Returns the adjustment. get_inverted() If the range is inverted. get_update_policy() Returns the setting when updates signals are sent. get_value() Returns the current adjustment value. set_adjustment() Sets the adjustment. set_increments() Sets the step and page sizes for the range. set_inverted() Sets the inverted setting. set_range() Sets the minimum and maximum values. set_update_policy() Sets the update policy. set_value() Sets the current value.
Използвай методите get_property и set_property, за да получиш достъп до това.
adjustment: "model" for the range object. inverted: Invert direction slider. update-policy: How the range should be updated.
Style Properties
Can be set with rc files/strings only.
arrow-displacement-x: How far to move the x direction when the button is depressed. arrow-displacement-y: How far to move the y direction when the button is depressed. slider-width: Width of scrollbar or scale thumb. stepper-size: Length of step buttons at ends. stepper-spacing: Spacing between step buttons and thumb. trough-border: Spacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevel.
"adjust-bounds" The range's minimum/maximum values have changed. "change-value" Check value before it is set. "move-slider" Virtual function that moves the slider. "value-changed" Emitted when the range value changes.