A visible column in a GtkTreeView.
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Provides a column in a tree view widget. It uses a GtkCellRenderer to display the value of a given column for each row. Columns can be sorted, moved and hidden.
GtkTreeViewColumn ([string title [, GtkCellRenderer cell_renderer [, string attribute [, int column]]]]);-- Creates a new column object.
cell_get_position() Returns horizontal position and size of a cell in the column. cell_get_size() Returns the size and offset of the cell. cell_is_visible() If any of the cells in the column is visible. cell_set_cell_data() Sets some cell data like model, iter, expander and expanded. clicked() Emits the "clicked" signal on the column. focus_cell() Sets the current keyboard focus to be at the given cell. get_alignment() Returns the current x alignment of the column. get_cell_renderers() Returns an arry of all the cell renderers in the column. get_clickable() Returns if the user can click on the header for the column. get_expand() Return if the column expands to take any available space. get_fixed_width() Gets the fixed width of the column. get_max_width() Returns the maximum width in pixels. get_min_width() Returns the minimum width in pixels. get_reorderable() If the column can be reordered by the user. get_resizable() If the column can be resized by the user. get_sizing() Returns the current sizing policy. get_sort_column_id() Gets the column id that the model sorts on. get_sort_indicator() If the sort indicator is visible. get_sort_order() Returns the sort indicator direction. get_spacing() Returns the number of pixels between cell renderers. get_title() Returns the title of the widget. get_visible() If the column is visible. get_widget() Returns the widget in the column header. get_width() Returns the current size in pixels. set_alignment() Sets the alignment of the title. set_clickable() Sets the header to be active. set_expand() Sets the column to take available extra space. set_fixed_width() Sets the size of the column in pixels. set_max_width() Sets the maximum width. set_min_width() Sets the minimum width. set_reorderable() Set if the column can be moved around. set_resizable() Set if the column can be resized. set_sizing() Sets the growth behavior. set_sort_column_id() Set the logical column that this column sorts. set_sort_indicator() Sets an arrow in the header indicating the column is sorted. set_sort_order() Changes the appearance of the sort indicator. set_spacing() Sets the number of pixels to place between cell renderers. set_title() Sets the title of the column. set_visible() Sets the visibility of the column. set_widget() Sets the widget in the header.
Използвай методите get_property и set_property, за да получиш достъп до това.
alignment: X Alignment of the column header text or widget. clickable: Whether the header can be clicked. expand: Column gets share of extra width allocated to the widget. fixed-width: Current fixed width of the column. max-width: Maximum allowed width of the column. min-width: Minimum allowed width of the column. reorderable: Whether the column can be reordered around the headers. resizable: Column is user-resizable. sizing: Resize mode of the column. sort-indicator: Whether to show a sort indicator. sort-order: Sort direction the sort indicator should indicate. spacing: Space which is inserted between cells. title: Title to appear in column header. visible: Whether to display the column. widget: Widget to put in column header button instead of column title. width: Current width of the column.
"clicked" The column header has been clicked.