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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5)

ctype_graph -- Check for any printable character(s) except space


bool ctype_graph ( string text )

Checks if all of the characters in the provided string, text, creates visible output.

Seznam parametrů


The tested string.

Návratové hodnoty

Returns TRUE if every character in text is printable and actually creates visible output (no white space), FALSE otherwise.


Příklad 1. A ctype_graph() example

= array('string1' => "asdf\n\r\t", 'string2' => 'arf12', 'string3' => 'LKA#@%.54');
foreach (
$strings as $name => $testcase) {
    if (
ctype_graph($testcase)) {
"The string '$name' consists of all (visibly) printable characters.\n";
    } else {
"The string '$name' does not consist of all (visibly) printable characters.\n";

Výše uvedený příklad vypíše:

The string 'string1' does not consist of all (visibly) printable characters.
The string 'string2' consists of all (visibly) printable characters.
The string 'string3' consists of all (visibly) printable characters.